6:I got you

78 19 96

Malawi's p.o v

Days had gone by after Ryan had saved me again. He made it a routine to wake me up every morning and go around the place. I believed he was trying to distract me from the chaos I was in. I felt so different with him.

He let me do what I wanted and never judged me once. I did not understand why this white man from across the world was nice to me even after he read all the crap the newspapers were publishing about me.

What they said did not matter much to me anymore because Ryan made me realize I was letting Dali win the battle. I felt so free and powerful at the time. I felt like who I was meant to be. It scared the hell out of me and thrilled me at the same time.

My three weeks of hiding were coming to an end. As much as I hated going back out I had a job to report to. I had to face the world. I would not be with Ryan anymore. That thought gave me a lump in my throat which puzzled me
Why was the idea of not seeing him again bothering me so much?

The lodge's phone flew me out of my thoughts.


"Mal, are you ready?"

"For what?"

"Sightseeing remember? It's almost two pm."

I forgot I had agreed to go with him to the spring. He wanted to see where the water he said tasted like heaven came from.

"I will be ready in five minutes!"

I got ready as soon as I could and met him at the reception. We went through a village which had gravel roads.

"Does that water come from the spring too?" He asked pointing at a water tap in the village.

"No, there's a dam nearby not far from the spring."

"Can we see it after here?"


"Why do the people look like they are paying money to draw water?"

"Because they are."


"Something about the people's contribution to the maintenance of the dam and water pipes."

He seemed bothered by that but I did not ask further.
We got to the spring and he was mesmerized by the vegetation around it. It had beautiful red and yellow wild flowers.

We stayed there for about thirty minutes then left for the dam.
After we got out and he saw the dam his expression turned sour.

"This is where the water the villagers pay for comes from?"

Indeed it looked very desolated. He went to the offices to ask and he met the dam manager they talked for a time then he rejoined me.

We left the dam and through the village again. We saw children playing soccer and we stopped. He joined the children in the small ground which ft the attention of villagers.

After playing for sometime we decided to leave. We got to the lodge showered and headed down for dinner.

After dinner we strolled around I wanted to tell him I would be leaving in two days for work but I just didn't know how.

We got to an elephant sculpture and sat down. He kept stealing glances at me. I looked up and the night sky was beautiful.

"Hey,look up." He did.

"Wow, this is very beautiful."

We both sat there for a while looking at the stars. Soon I felt his hand on my cheek. I turned around and he was staring directly at me, his grey eyes enticing my whole being. I felt him cup my face and I knew it was coming.

He kissed me, his lips tentative and soft. I couldn't help but kiss back,his tongue demanding entrance which I gave. He tasted of mint and chocolate and heaven. Wait,i had kissed him before!

The kiss got hot and very passionate and I realized what we were doing. I broke it off.

I got up and walked away faster. I heard him call me. Then he caught up to me.

"What's wrong Mal?"

I didn't answer him. I just looked down.

"Hey hey,look at me." He said lifting my chin up.

"I can't be doing this Ry, I can't."

"Why not? I'm sorry if we're moving too fast, let's go on a date tomorrow.

"Don't you see,i can't be doing this. That's not what I need."

"Yes you can and this is you. Please don't let people disregard the real you!"

He was right I was a spontaneous woman not afraid of trying new things. When I was with Dali all he wanted was to have sex with me,no romantic strolls. He had turned me into a sex object, a possession.

" I'm leaving for my real life in two days Ryan, I can't start something that I know ends here."

"Who said it was ending here?"

" Thank you Ry, for everything. But this fairytale has to end."

I left him standing there looking at me,his grey eyes glassy.

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