Five days till Bonfire night

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It's past midnight so TECHNICALLY its a different day

Small fingers wrapper around the large, heavy base of another glass of beer, they were trembling slightly, the kind of tremble that's hardly noticeable but still minorly worrying. Jimin gulped the bitter, gold liquid down- stray streams rolling across his chin. Jimin's mouth was small. The glass was abnormally large (at least, for what he was accustomed to).

Taehyung had pottered off after receiving the elder's blessing and was now, most likely, trailing after Yoongi. Jimin wasn't sure how much beer he should be drinking, based off of the repulsing taste he guessed no one should be having any, but more importantly, he was hazy in regards to what his alcohol tolerance actually was. The furthest he'd gone being sharing a few stolen, midnight drinks with Taehyung. He was lost in a midst of chuckles and nostalgic reminiscents from his time with his best friend over the years when he sensed a strong, semi-burly figure next to him.

"Helloooo!" the voice was loud and overexcited, the owner was clearly drunk, at least, more than Jimin. "Jungkook?" the small boy uttered, not questioning the swaying brunettes identity but his actions, he was looking at Jimin as if they were close companions when, in reality, they hadn't spoken in almost five years and what distant relationship they did have had been reduced to stolen glances and the occasional curt nod in the hallway. Sure, once they were what Taehyung described as 'buddies' when their legs were smaller than their arms are now, but all little kids are friends, like some kind of odd colt in Jimin's opinion (just with a bit more screaming, human waste and a few less disturbing images). 

"Of course it's Jungkook!" the taller shouted enthusiastically, throwing his arms in the air despite his clutch on a full can of beer, Jimin attempted to dodge the flecks of airborne beer, eyeing Jungkook with concern. The younger didn't ignore Jimin's actions and flailed wildly in a similar, more exaggerated fashion to the raven-haired boy as if dodging the flying beverage that was long gone, settled on the white carpet at their feet. Jimin was stunned as he watched his old 'acquaintance' ripple his body as if doing a rain dance clearly not comprehending what Jimin had been doing, just trying to be a part of whatever it was. The confused sober (well, less wasted) of the pair stared at the hurtling limbs, his petite lips forming a less than graceful large 'O, ' his face stained with confused shock.

Jungkook looked as though he'd somehow downloaded a virus, and was malfunctioning violently, and Jimin had no idea what to do. He turned his head, his large optics scanning the bustle of people around, a few of whom's heads were directed at Jungkook in jest or confused disgust, he hoped beyond hope that Taehyung would suddenly pull some Harry Potter stunt and appear in front of him to tell him what to do but alas, no such stunt was pulled. As the amount stares increased whilst Jungkook darted left and right, swinging his arms ceremoniously Jimin willed himself to do something, anything, to make whom he considered to be the love of his life just. stop.

He suddenly grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and managed to evoke an iron grip out of his feeble hands, well maybe it was more cotton candy than iron- Jungkook was just wasted beyond any form of resistance. "Stop." Jimin hissed urgently, making sure to keep his distance to avoid catching a whiff of Jungkook's alcohol-drenched breath. "You-you-you always take c-care of me dontcha Jimini?"

The raven-haired boy was accustomed to nicknames, they came along with the name. He'd witnessed Jimjim, Jimjam, Jiminie and many more, but never one pronounced Jimin-eye.

He assumed Jungkook meant to say Jiminie, as that was what the whole class had called him throughout their youth after Taehyung heard Jimin's mother say it and decided it was perfect for show and tell. Jimin vividly remembers being dragged up to be in front of the class as a part of the show section and then Taehyung shouting 'JIMINIE' whilst pointing at him for the tell section.

"Always s-stopping me e-embarrassing myself aintcha?" Jungkook stuttered, his heavy figure proving to be too heavy as he leered dangerously backwards and forwards, eventually falling into Jimin's chest. The small boy remembered and treasured everything he could about Jeon Jungkook, so he could guess exactly was the boy was referring to from their earlier years, midst his surprise that the brunette had remembered something from so long ago Jimin attempted a stern, firm expression. He held the younger upright, still allowing him to be wrapped in his arms.

"How many drinks have you had Jungkook?"

He watched carefully as Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows and redirected his gorgeous chocolate orbs to the ceiling as he tallied up his grand total. After a few minutes of Jimin staring at him expectantly Jungkook finally announced that he'd had fourteen drinks, with glee. 'Shit' was all Jimin could think, his thoughts racing, 'is that a lot?'

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