Five days after Bonfire Night

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Seokjin had thought it best for Jimin to stay with him and Hoseok until they laid 'the Jungkook situation to rest. It meant Jimin could avoid Jungkook and, to be frank, the eldest's shared dorm was far nicer. Taehyung, being completely inseparable from his best friend, had also moved in alongside Jimin. Thankfully, both Hoseok and Seokjin had double beds so Taehyung shared with Seokjin and Jimin with Hoseok. It left the four boys in a seemingly eternal state of 'slumber party' which was cheering Jimin up more than one could imagine.

He'd learnt that if he constantly distracted himself then it didn't hurt as much, he tried not to constantly revisit past memories of him and Jungkook, and he tried not to imagine what things would be like now. Maybe he'd be the laughing stock of the college, maybe Jungkook would date someone else whom he'd rejected him for. The most important tactic Jimin had adopted was to avoid Jungkook at all costs. He had decided he didn't want to be with someone who would treat him the way Jungkook had, and he knew if he saw Jungkook he would fall for him all over again. That couldn't happen.

He wouldn't go to class when it daytime, he would wait until late in the evening to go to the dance studio and rehearse the steps Hoseok told him they'd learnt that day. Taehyung would fetch any clothes Jimin needed from their dorm in case Jungkook was there again and Jimin would only go to places that he knew Jungkook hated, which often meant running into Namjoon.

Today was a Saturday and none of the four boys had classes, so they opted to go to lunch at the Mexican restaurant not too far from campus- Jungkook had always hated Mexican.

"Do you think they'll give us sombreros?!" Hoseok squeaked as he bounded into the living room where Taehyung and Jimin were sat. "They better!" screeched Seokjin from his room, "it's not a fiesta until we get the massive hats!" Hoseok grinned at Jimin and Taehyung in glee, and they both smiled back brightly, they hadn't had a proper outing since bonfire night and Jimin was beginning to get over what had happened with Jungkook so there was a possibility for some real fun.

"Okay! I'm ready!" exclaimed Seokjin, running out his room and ushering the boys to the door. "SOMBRERO TIME!" shouted Hoseok, running down the halls of the building and round the corner out of sight. Before he could tell what was happening he'd run into something at full force with a loud 'smack.' Not something- someone.

"Jungkook?" the pink haired boy whispered, quieter than he'd ever been in his life. Jungkook stood there hesitantly, rubbing the prominent red mark on his forehead from his collision with Hoseok. "I'm looking for-" the brunette started to say, but trailed off when Jimin, Taehyung and Seokjin rounded him.


His voice had lost all substance and it'd sounded like his breathing naturally spelt out Jimin. The raven-haired boy's face fell when he saw Jungkook standing there, clutching an envelope, "I've been looking for you everywhere." he half-whimpered half-announced. "I waited outside your class I went to your dorm every day and that cafe you told me about..." none of the boys said anything, and when Jungkook realised he hadn't earnt a response he held out the paper in his hands towards Jimin. "I wrote you a letter..." he rambled, "it's an apology and an explanation and a reque-"

"Funny how you didn't want to apologize until you got caught." Taehyung seethed, cutting the younger off "we don't want your letter." He held onto his best friend's arm firmly and marched away with him, Seokjin right behind them- leaving only Jungkook and Hoseok.

The brunette held the letter out to the dancer desperately, willing him to 'just take and give it to Jimin...please.' After a few seconds, Hoseok broke the eye contact between the pair and looked in the direction his friends had marched off to. "I'm sorry I bumped into you..." he mumbled, causing the features on Jungkook's face to visibly crack in despair. Before anything else could be said Hoseok trudged after his friends.

When the dancer caught up Jimin had tears collected in his eyes and Taehyung was clutching his hand as they walked. Seokjin walked next to Hoseok and softly asked if anything else had 'happened with Jungkook?' to which the dancer shook his head, now a little less excited to wear a sombrero. "I wonder what he was doing there..." Seokjin pondered aloud, but only loud enough for Hoseok to hear. "he doesn't know we live there so he couldn't be looking for Jimin...surely not."

They'd finally reached the restaurant so the conversation was cut short as the group made their way to a table.

"Let's not let this get us down." Declared Jimin, picking up a menu determinedly and tossing Hoseok a sombrero with a grin that seemed genuine. The boys cheered in response and Seokjin began to babble about the all 'the amazing different types of food' they could get. In the end, they settled on two quesadillas, a burrito and tortilla alongside a large bowl of nachos for the table. The waitress walked away with their order and the boys once again became absorbed into the conversation, Taehyung occasionally throwing Jimin a concerned glance, just in case.

It had been five minutes since they'd ordered when Seokjin noticed someone making their way to their table "Is-is that Namjoon?" the red-haired boy had run into the tall boy several times now with Jimin in their attempts to avoid Jungkook, it seemed that anything that repelled the brunette attracted his brother, so they'd seen Namjoon almost everywhere, now including the Mexican restaurant.

The four boys watched Namjoon walk towards them, he was clearly trying to avoid eye contact, or even looking directly at the group, despite that they all stared with wide eyes. "I'm here on behalf of my younger brother..." the tall man huffed once he reached them. He pulled out a letter similar to the one Jungkook had previously offered them. He presented it to the table and when no one took it he dropped his arms in exasperation.

"Look..." he sighed, I'm sorry about what happened, " he nodded towards Jimin "but Jungkook's been annoying the shit out of everyone about this goddamn letter. He's given us all a copy and now wants us to search every Mexican restaurant because someone said something about 'sombreros.'"

Hoseok immediately looked away.

"You don't have to read it..." the tall man bargained, waving the letter with his words. "But just take it so I can get rid of it and get Jungkook off my back?"

Eventually, Jimin nodded and offered his small palm to receive the letter. Namjoon handed it to him and nodded gratefully, before stalking out of the restaurant.

"I'll read it when I get home."

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