Two days until Bonfire night

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When Jimin woke up that morning he felt he had the perfect view. Taehyung was snoring in his bed on the other side of the room, Seokjin lying next to him with Hoseok passed out on the floor with a pillow, despite the fact he started the night sleeping in the bed with the two boys. Jungkook was next to Jimin. His knees pulled to his chest, his body facing Jimin and his mouth slightly open. He was beautiful in the small boy's eyes. The room was still a dark grey, even though the sun was up. Jimin wished he could shove the blind up to see the sun shine into the dorm and light up Jungkook's delicate features.

Jimin quickly diverted his gaze when Jungkook's eyes fluttered open. He smiled softly when he saw Jimin was awake and shuffled an inch closer so they could speak without waking the others, their noses now centimetres apart. The dancer almost feared Jungkook would hear his heart beating against his ribcage.

"Remember when we used to do this, when we were little?" the brunette whispered, his features still plastered with fatigue. Jimin nodded, his lips forming a cheeky smile as he thought back to the occasional sleepovers they used to have, when his parents would bring him to Jungkook's to have dinner with his family, meaning Jimin would bunk with the younger in order to avoid a babysitter. They had separate beds but because they used to sneak sweets in their bags they'd share a bed and have a midnight-teddy-bear-feast when it was really only nine o'clock.

"You probably don't have Cooky anymore..." Jimin giggled, thinking back to the pink rabbit Jungkook had, who the pair had decided was brothers with the dancer's stuffed, yellow dog; Chimmy. The fuzzy animals used to fight the evil Koya- a koala stolen from Namjoon, who would kick and scream the next morning when he discovered they'd taken his teddy in the night.

"I think he's in my old room," hummed the brunette, along with a soft laugh, "but-" he grinned mischievously "he tells me all the time that he misses Chimmy." Jimin threw his head back in a silent laugh, unintentionally showing off his famous eye smile. "Unfortunately," Jimin sighed "Chimmy got lost when we moved house last spring, so he's probably misplaced in a box in our attic or in the back of a moving truck."

Jungkook's jaw dropped, either playfully or genuinely, Jimin couldn't quite tell. "Noo waaaay," the brunette half-whispered half-shouted. "We have to try and find him. Let's do it today." The raven-haired boy raised his eyebrows at his old friend in disbelief. "You want to spend your Saturday searching for an old stuffed piece of fabric?" "Don't talk about our Chimmy like that!" Jungkook exclaimed, hitting Jimin's arm playfully but forgetting to whisper causing Taehyung to groan and roll over in the bed across the room. "What do you mean 'our'?" the dancer hissed defensively, "We both know Chimmy is all mine."

The brunette gasped dramatically at the other boy's words, and this time Jimin knew it was playful. "Chimmy and Cooky are brothers, Park Jimin" the younger poked his hyung's forehead once for each syllable of his name as he spoke, "we are their parents." Jungkook's tone was playfully adamant, Jimin normally couldn't help but smile when he saw his crush anyway, but now that he knew for sure that he was still as funny as he was when he was ten, it was going to be a lot more difficult.

"You thought we were their parents?" he asked, raising a finger to Jungkook's lips to remind him to be quiet this time. "We got married Jimin, we both knew they were brother's...what did you think we were to them?"

"I never really thought about it! And we both ate our gummy rings so I assumed we got a divorce!"

After lightheartedly arguing for a few more minutes the pair decided they would search for Chimmy, got dressed and slipped out of the dorm, leaving Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung unconscious behind them. It was a two-hour drive back to their hometown, three on the bus, so they decided to take Yoongi's car, after Jungkook assured Jimin he wouldn't mind...probably. They would spend the day there before either driving home or taking advantage of a Travelodge, for old times sake and to rekindle their friendship properly, that was what Jungkook had said.

After grabbing some snacks they plopped down in Yoongi's vintage style car, which Jungkook informed Jimin was a 1969 Maserati Ghibli 4.7, which the owner treasured more than life itself.  Absolutely terrified of doing some kind of unfixable damage to the valuable vehicle (which Jimin only viewed as a red, old car) the raven-haired boy slipped into the passenger making the decision it was definitely better for Jungkook to drive, who had nonchalantly hopped into the driver's seat, jangling the keys which he'd stolen from a sleeping Yoongi comically. He relaxed into the seat and shoved the key into the keyhole, acting as though he was taking his bike to MacDonald's instead of driving a stolen priceless car 150 miles, the dancer seated next to him, however, was the complete opposite. He doubted that there was even one limb in his body that wasn't tensed as much as possible in caution.

Jungkook simply chuckled to himself when he picked up on how Jimin felt and decided to drive away as fast as possible, just to be a tease. He sped down the streets, only a few miles per hour above the limit. How highly strung his companion was acting didn't go unnoticed by the brunette, so, hoping to relieve some of the elder's tension, he rolled down the window and half laughed-half howled into the streets they were zooming down. He looked at Jimin, expectantly, his eyes bright and waiting. Unable to resist his crush's gorgeous, alluring, brown eyes the dancer rolled down his window and copied Jungkook's howl, timidly and not quite as well.

Refusing to give in Jungkook joined in with Jimin, encouraging him to get louder to the point that the two boys were howling like wolves as loudly as they could down the highway, only stopping to burst into fits of laughter. The pair finally settled down, wiping tears of laughter from their eyes as they regained their composure or, at least, tried.

"Okay, okay" Jungkook grinned, his laughter finally subsiding,

"Next stop; Busan."

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