10 years until Bonfire night

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Trembling fingers, soft whimpers and defeaning shouts were what the evening had consisted of thus far for the small boy. He was hidden under the confines of his duvet, but his sobs could still be heard from his brother's room, the tall boy walked in, making his way to comfort his baby brother by diving under the duvet to cuddle him, and cover his ears to shield him from the loud shouts of their parents.

"It's okay Jungkook." the twelve-year-old boy said to his ten-year-old brother. Jungkook didn't answer and just pulled his brother closer. The older boy sighed, empathising with his brother, he leant forward to pick up Jungkook's favourite toy and tucked him into his brother's arms. "See? You have Cooky, it's going to be okay..." their voices were muffled as the boys continued to chat and distract themselves under the blanket. Trying to drown out the sound of their parent's screams.

"Namjoon?" the smaller of the two whimpered, "are mummy and daddy un-marrying?" Namjoon went completely silent, not wanting to answer his brother.

Ten years later Jungkook looked back on the memory and practically laughed, his parents had separated almost a week later and hated each other ever since. It was a shame that one of the few sweet memories he had with his brother had rotted and gone sour due to the circumstances.

The brunette was snapped out of his thoughts by Jimin coming back into the motel room. "well, " he sighed "the receptionist said that because you were alone she assumed you...were alone. And right after we came here someone took their last room with two beds."

"Damnit." Jungkook cursed, hopping off the bed. "Well, this is my fault so I'll sleep on the floor" he announced, and Jimin had to try his best to hide his dismay at the younger's words, whilst he muttered something about 'taking a shower, ' and stalked into the bathroom. Just as he was about to close the door his crush stopped him.

"Hey, Jimin! I normally sleep in my underwear, is that cool with you?"

the elder simply nodded before slamming the door shut and turning on the shower. Meanwhile, Jungkook collected a pile of pillows and laid them out across the floor. He flung his clothes across the room and laid on them with a sheet he'd found in the airing cupboard. He closed his eyes and listened to the soothing sound of the water from Jimin's shower he was almost asleep when the elder emerged from the bathroom, sporting a towel wrapped around his waist and a pair of underwear underneath (which Jungkook, of course, couldn't see).

Jungkook peaked his eyes open to glance at Jimin, and froze. "Jimin?! When the hell did you get those?" the small man turned his head, grinning cheekily when he realised what Jungkook was referring to. He glanced down at his abs and shrugged, "guess I had a glow up, why are you so bothered? You have a set too." the younger's face was still, for lack of better term, shook and he neglected to answer the raven-haired's question. He stood up to turn the light off, leaving Jimin to get into bed in darkness.

As the short boy slipped out his towel and slipped under the duvet, he felt completely relaxed- sensing no tension at all. Jungkook, on the other hand, could've cut his with a knife.   His eyes had adjusted to the darkness so he was able to see Jimin clearly if he tilted his head. He could see the dancer was lying on his back, and his deep breaths suggested he was drifting off. Jungkook's eyes darted around the dark room, suddenly unable to sleep.

Jimin had been sleeping in a room with Taehyung for a year now, so sleeping without his best friend in the room did feel weird, but refreshing. He felt himself falling asleep, his head sinking into the soft pillow relaxingly. He was jolted up suddenly however by a pair of lips moving sloppily against his, they were cold and chapped yet soothing and they had the power to render Jimin frozen. "Kiss back." Jungkook demanded against the boy's lips, prompting the dancer to run his hands through the younger's hair, and move his mouth furiously against Jungkook's.

They slowly came to sit opposite each other at the edge of the bed, their lips not breaking contact. Jimin's hand wandered from his crush's hair to his neck, pulling him down to be on top of him. Reluctantly Jungkook broke the kiss, grabbing Jimin's wrist when his hand started to trace his abdomen. "there can't be-" Jungkook whispered "if you don't want to do this tell me now. So I can stop myself before we go too far."

Jimin nodded his head frantically, pulling the younger closer to him and reconnecting their lips.

a/n- errrrr someone write some smut or smthn in the comments I can't bring myself to...

Park Jimin may have thought he had the best view in the world yesterday morning, but today he knew he had the best view in the universe.

This time Jungkook was already awake when he opened his eyes, he was sitting up in bed next to Jimin, on his phone. His abs on full display. He noticed the dancer was awake and placed his phone on the bedside table, "the bonfire's tomorrow, " the brunette started, "I was going to go with Yoongi,
But he invited Namjoon, so I bailed." he chuckled, vibrations running up and down his broad chest, which Jimin had made himself happy lying on.

"Sooo..." the younger continued, "I thought we could go together, " "that would be nice" the raven-haired boy grinned, prompting Jungkook to nod "it' be nice to have a friend with me."

Jimin froze. He watched Jungkook slip out from his grasp and move to fetch his clothes. Repeating the same question over and over in his mind.

'Why the hell did he say friend?'

Bonfire night | Jikook College auحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن