Four days till Bonfire night

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By the time Jimin woke up his lovestruck state had faded to the point that the smell of Jungkook's sick stained shirt was repulsing him, so he stalked out of bed a few hours early to try and wash it. Thankfully, due to the fact it was almost only 6:30 in the morning, the college campus was sparse and Jimin had the whole laundry room to himself, meaning no people to judge him washing a single white shirt that he didn't even own, covered in pinky-purple putrid substance.

He flung the fabric into the washing machine in the farthest corner, the one he always preferred to use, slathered some of his detergents into the pull out drawer and chucked a pod in to join the shirt. He decided to wait in the laundry room until it was finished, basking in the silence. He hopped onto the table in the centre of the room, used for students to fold their clothes, and began to tap away at his iPhone, sending Taehyung a flurry of 'wake up moron' texts.

However midway through his fourth text a loud clatter erupted through the room, making Jimin jump in alarm and drop his phone. He leapt off the table to pick it back up again and ran his hand through his black locks, frustrated when he noticed the defining cracks across the screen.

"Is it broken?" Uttered a small voice, the owner of which Jimin guessed was rather worried and was the same person who'd caused the initial crash, and when the raven-haired-boy glanced up to lock eyes with the owner of said voice it was made clear that Jimin's guess was right.

There stood a nervous, agitated looking boy standing next to a pile of knocked over laundry. He had light brown hair with dusty pink highlights which accented his face perfectly and he was eyeing Jimin's smashed phone, twiddling his thumbs anxiously.

"Well...I think the screen might be broken..." Jimin declared, trailing off his sentence sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, " said the boy, neglecting to pick up his laundry, sprawled across the floor in order to look at Jimin guiltily. Jimin smiled and nodded in return, reassuring the boy that 'it was really okay.' When he was finally persuaded him the brunette began to pick up his clothes and pile it into the machine next to Jimin's.

As he did so, the raven-haired boy attempted to resume his morning routine of annoying Taehyung. However, he was stopped when he attempted to turn his phone back on and was only met with his confused reflection on the dead screen.


By this point the awkward brunette sharing the space with him had finished putting his washing in the machine and his worried optics were fixated on Jimin's, officially broken, phone. His eyes drifted to the raven-haired boy's exasperated expression, and he racked his brains to think of anything to help the situation.

"I have one of my old phones in my dorm room, you can have it..." his offer was very sweet, and Jimin was very desperate without his phone so he went against his initial instinct and agreed. The pair silently made their way out of the laundry room, the shorter following the stranger to his dorm room. After a few moments of deafening silence one of them finally spoke up;

"My name's Hoseok, I just transferred here, I'm in the second year, "

Jimin grinned widely in return, his eyes creasing as they always did, "I'm Jimin, also in the second year, I've been here for a year already but you probably still have more friends..." Hoseok laughed loudly in return

He actually, properly, really laughed out loud.

"I don't think so, I transferred because of my lack of friends at my old college, people think I'm loud and annoying, " he shrugged, Jimin's shocked face not going unnoticed by the taller. "I even wake up early so I can wash my clothes alone, I annoy people that much."

He didn't seem upset by his words, more satisfied as if there was a mini-competition to see who could out-loner the other.

And Jimin was happy to compete.

"The only real friend I have is my roommate, who's probably only still friends with me because we've been together since birth."

They were both smiling widely now, as they made their way across the empty college campus, content with the little bond they'd formed, and Jimin decided Taehyung would definitely like Hoseok.

"My only friend has to be friends with me because the Student Body President told him to be, they even made him share a dorm with me."

He motioned towards the door they'd reached signalling that this was his room. "You're not too far from where my dorm is..." the raven-haired mused, pottering into the room behind Hoseok, "you should come over for pizza sometime." He continued, the brunette's face lit up immediately, his cheeks going the same face as his pink highlights in glee.

"I'll go get your new phone!" he smiled, running through one of the doors to the pair's right, giving Jimin the chance to look at the dormitory.

The door they'd come through had lead into a living room, a luxury Taehyung and Jimin lacked, with the sofa in the centre of the room and a large television in front of it, which was next to door, a fridge tucked in-between, which Jimin deduced was because there was no kitchen. In the corner next to the door there was a wooden desk blanketed by textbooks, the floors were also wooden barring the chocolate brown carpet under the sofa. All in all what Jimin had seen of the dorm was reserved, but homely, limited, but spacious and he liked it.

There were two doors on the right side of the room on opposites side of the wall, one of which Hoseok had disappeared into and was now bounding out of holding a mobile phone. "Here, " he grinned, holding it up to Jimin for inspection, it was dented along the sides but there was no sign of damage on the actual screen so, despite the fact Jimin adamantly preferred Apple to Samsung, he took it from Hoseok with a bright 'thank you, '

"This place is nice, I think you'd be a bit disappointed to be eating in our tiny dorm" Hoseok smiled, something which Jimin had learnt he did a lot, "My roommate is the one who got all this really, his parents give loads of donations to the college so he got the best room, I just got lucky."

Jimin nodded understandingly, slipping his new phone in his back pocket, as the pair made their way out the dorm to go pick up their laundry.

"So you were actually being serious about us having pizza together?"

"Yeah! Then you can meet my roommate, Taehyung!"

"Any chance I can bring my roommate too? It'd be nice to prove to him I can actually make friends."

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