The day after bonfire night

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Jimin had actually slept well. He felt as though he'd been drained through a sieve over and over, and now only the smallest, weakest parts of him remained. All of his emotions felt strained and all of his body parts felt battered, so by the time Taehyung had pulled him back to their dormitory and Jimin had cried for an hour straight the small boy was spent, and sleep was calling him.

He had escaped from the world throughout his heavy slumber but as his small brown optics peered out from the sanctuary of his duvet he knew it was time to face reality again. Slowly he pushed himself up to be sitting in bed and pulled his knees to his chest. He sat there for a minute. Doing nothing in particular, trying to keep his mind void of anything. His plan was working, but then a familiar head of brown hair with pink highlights came pottering out from the bathroom.

"Hoseok? What are you doing here?" the boy's features formed a limp smile, as he scratched his head and made his way to sit on Taehyung's bed. "We made a schedule last night," he explained, "we assumed you wouldn't want to go to classes for a while, and we don't want you to be alone."

Jimin nodded, grateful to have Hoseok by his side even though it wasn't obvious at that moment. The boy had never felt a colour before, but suddenly he just felt grey. He had never realised how much he hated grey, it was a colour that was limp and feeble, it was a colour that exuded depression and hopelessness, it was a colour that Jungkook had loved to wear and goddamn he pulled it off.

The raven-haired boy hadn't noticed that Hoseok had wandered to sit next to him. "We've all been rejected," he soothed, rubbing Jimin's arm and making him wince slightly when the boy accidentally brushed his burn. Hoseok noticed his best friends pain and rushed to the bathroom to fetch the cream for his burn, whilst Jimin switched onto depressive rambling mode.

"You haven't been rejected like this...I invested my feelings in that boy for my whole life and I always so close but so far, for so long. And then I felt as though maybe I was closer than I thought...maybe it was going to happen, especially after he took my virginity. Turns out he doesn't even like me enough to try and spare my feelings, and that I was just a good fuck to him, not that that's his fault, he didn't know I liked him...he hasn't even done anything wrong, really."

The pink haired boy went silent once Jimin was finished with his monologue, he couldn't bring himself to deny anything the younger said, because he knew it was all true. So he said the one thing he definitely knew.

"Jungkook's a dick!"

The raven-haired boy almost jumped at Hoseok's exclamation and a tear ran down his fragile cheeks as he stared at nothing in particular.

"But I wanted him to be my dick..."

"Erm. Jimin maybe you shouldn't say that-"

"And I was the one who fell for that dick"

"Okay, so I should've used a different noun..."

Jimin looked up at Hoseok from the bed, his eyes wide, not really taking in what his friend was saying. He looked like a lost puppy seeking a home, and no matter how hard Hoseok tried he knew it was going to be a long time before this puppy got out the cold again. He motioned for Jimin to turn so the elder could reach his shoulder. He pulled up the short sleeve of Jimin's pyjama top and began to rub some of the cream on the charred skin.

"You're not flinching this time?" Hoseok questioned, to which the deflated dancer shrugged. "Not much hurts anymore..." the pink-haired boy sighed, finishing off tending to the boy's wounds and returning the cream to the bathroom.

When he got back Taehyung had arrived and was showing his best friend something on his phone. "I need to get to class," Hoseok announced, bidding the sombre pair farewell. Once the eldest had left Taehyung turned to face his friend, he wanted to gush about the morning he'd had with Yoongi but he knew it would have to wait. There were more important things to discuss at the moment.

"How are you, Chim?" he half-smiled half-sobbed, "I'm..." Jimin paused, glancing around the room as he tried to decipher his feelings, "...grey." The blonde boy didn't need to question his hyung's reply, he hadn't pined for Yoongi for even half the time Jimin had admired Jungkook and he knew how crushed he'd be if the mint-haired had rejected him the way Jungkook rejected Jimin. "I guess you were right two days ago..." he chuckled "Jungkook didn't like you...but we'll find you someone better who does deserve you."

Jimin looked up at Taehyung in confusion, his eyes scanning his best friends face for any signs that he'd knew he'd made a mistake. "Tae...two days ago I was in Busan with Jungkook, I wasn't talking about him to you." The blonde furrowed his eyebrows in denial, "No." he said, forcefully, a similar tone of confusion present "You texted me before you left...saying he didn't like you."

"No, I didn't! I'll show you the texts!" Jimin yanked out his phone and pressed on the conversation between the pair, holding it up for Taehyung to see. "What the-" the younger exclaimed, trailing off to do the same as Jimin on his phone. Where he saw the texts he'd been referring to.

Jungkook doesn't like me. Trust me.

Jimin is that you??
You never text with punctuation.

Yes, of course, it's me.
I gtg now so I can drive
Don't reply!

Jimin's jaw drop when he looked at Taehyung's blaring screen, his best friend had always had his brightness way too high. "I never sent those!" he exclaimed, pressing his small fingers against the letters on the phone. The boys sat in silence, wrapping their heads around what this could mean. "You know texts can be deleted from one phone but they can't be deleted on another that way...maybe it was Jungkook."

His best friend was silent, his brown orbs wide, worried and calculating. "But..." Taehyung continued "we're the only ones who know your code..." the blonde looked towards Jimin, and from his body language, which Taehyung was fluent in, he could tell he was hiding something. "Unless that code just happens to be Jungkook's birthday..." Jimin uttered.

Taehyung's eyes widened in realisation.

"Fucking hell! It must've been him!"

"Which means he knew I liked him three days ago!"

"He all this time..."

"He used that information to take advantage and have sex with me! Knowing he could get away with because I thought he didn't know..."

"All of last night he was leading you on with all that 'couple goals' bullshit."


"Yeah Jimin?"

"I don't just feel grey anymore

I feel fucking pissed."

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