Three and half days until Bonfire night

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It had been a productive morning for Jimin, he may have broken his phone and he may have had to clean up someone else's vomit but he had made, whom he considered to be, an honest and genuine friend, the kind of friend he'd never been able to make post-first-school. Now he was trying his best to have a just as productive afternoon.

He was swinging a carrier bag with Jungkook's washed shirt in it, making his way to the brunette's dorm. He had asked Taehyung where Jungkook's room was, as he shared with Yoongi and his best friend knew everything about that blue-haired boy. He knocked on the door, harder than he intended, prompting the short boy to jump in exhilaration and tell himself not to let his excitement about the idea of talking to his crush of fifteen years overwhelm him.

The door swung open clumsily, and there stood an evidently moody Jungkook. "What the hell is your problem?!" half shouted and half hissed the disgruntled brunette, "I er-" babbled Jimin, completely disheartened by his not so welcome welcoming. "Did you not read the sign dude?!"

Jimin was 100% sure that was the first time he'd ever been called dude.

Jungkook was pointing to a piece of paper pinned up on the noticeboard on their dormitory door, that had small black writing scrawled on it.


Jimin had completely missed it, and now all he could do was stand there shuffling from one foot to the other, holding the bag behind his back, unsure of what to do. "I have your shirt..." Jimin stared at his feet as he lifted the carrier bag to Jungkook, who took it warily. "Oh.." was all the raven-haired boy heard his crush utter as he took the bag. "Don't get me wrong Jimin, you're a great guy but please don't get the wrong idea, a hookup is just a hookup in my eyes and I'm sorry if you feel used bu-" Jimin's head snapped up from the ground, his eyes wide.

"What?! We didn't hook up," he gushed "you were sick on your shirt and you left it in the bathroom when you went to get more beer..." the shorter explained, violently opposed to the idea of his crush thinking he slutted out, but not so opposed to the idea of sleeping with Jungkook who had gone completely blank at the new realisation. "We...didn't...bang?"

What the hell was up with Jungkook's speech? it sounded like he was speaking a different language.

"No, we didn't.

Wait, you're gay?!"

Jimin's heart was jumping out of his chest, he had always assumed that someone as macho as Jungkook jumped out of bed in the morning did 69 burpees then looked in the mirror and recited the phrase 'no homo bro.' But now, Jungkook had genuinely thought they'd, what was it he'd said? Banged. Meaning Jimin genuinely might have a minuscule chance.

"Actually, I'm pansexual." the brunette sighed, rolling his eyes exasperatedly before thanking him for the shirt and moving to shut the door, however before he could Jimin pushed it open with his hands, for one final question.

"Why do you think I'm gay?"

Jungkook scoffed, looking the boy up and down with his eyebrows raised. "please."

And with that, the door slammed shut and Jimin heard the sound of his crush bouncing back into bed. He wanted to knock on the door again, and scream questions at Jungkook along the lines off; 'what the hell is that supposed to mean?' 'How long have you known?' and 'Do you know that I've practically been in love with you since we were five and you were strong enough to carry me on your feet to the toilets?'

Alas, Jimin had class in ten minutes and if he waited any longer he'd be late, not to mention he was completely unequipped of the social skills required to handle such an intense conversation. So he had no choice but to skip to class, his head heavy.

He knew Jungkook was moody, hungover and, not to mention; completely correct but Jimin had always magnified his feelings when it came to that boy, whether that be in regards to his affection or hurt whenever Jungkook did something minor. He'd done plenty of quizzes online to see if he was in love with the brunette, but even if cosmopolitan had told him it was destiny because Jungkook was Virgo and Jimin was Libra, the boy wasn't quite ready to strive for a relationship.

He bounded into the dance studio, with five minutes to spare. Turned out he'd been frantically speedwalking thanks to his Jungkook-consumed thoughts. He pulled his new phone out, which had luckily worked with his sim card, and was greeted with a flurry of texts from his best friend. 50% of which was him moaning about Jimin's 'wake up texts,' and the other 50% were the texts that made the raven-haired dancer moan in annoyance.


IM AWAKE OKAY?                                                                                                                                                            Also, I told you not to call me a moron YOU MORON                                                                                Anyway. Yoongi actually spoke to me today after I stole his phone number and texted him like crazy                                                                                                                                                                                       HE INVITED ME TO THE COLLEGE BONFIRE NIGHT! WE'RE GOING.


No way

Jimin shoved his phone back into the pocket of his jacket, refusing to give Taehyung the opportunity to persuade him to go to an event he definitely did not want to go to. He was just beginning to stretch when he spotted a light pink head of hair across the room.


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