Bonfire Night II

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Oops...another long one...

"Have you seen Namjoon yet?" Jimin whispered into his crush's ear whilst they waited for Hoseok to finish buying Seokjin his candy floss. Jungkook wordlessly nodded, his eyes filling with worry at the mention of his brother's name. "he was with some of my friends getting some drinks at the hotdog stand when I arrived, " the brunette whispered, making sure only Jimin could hear him. "I don't think they noticed me..."

Suddenly Seokjin came bounding over with a large packet filled with candyfloss, "ready to go up to the bonfire?" he asked, his words muffled by layers of the pink fluff shoved in his mouth. The pair nodded enthusiastically as Hoseok skipped over to them, now completely over his motion sickness and shovelling a hotdog into his mouth, in a similar fashion to Seokjin. Whilst their friends were thoroughly distracted by their snacks Jungkook turned to Jimin, "you look cold, do you want my jacket?"

The dancer had to go against all of his instincts to muster a weak 'no thank you.' in response. But the brunette remained unconvinced. "Jimin, you're shivering." Jungkook's eyebrow was raised in disbelief as he looked down at the freezing boy, who still adamantly shook his head 'no'. The brunette sighed, well-aware that his friend was struggling to not be frozen on the spot, "you really won't take my coat?" once again the raven-haired boy shook his head violently. "Then you give me no choice." the younger tutted, not giving Jimin a chance to protest as he hopped behind the boy and wrapped his arms around him. The dancer's jaw dropped comically as he tried to persuade himself not to overthink the way his crush of fifteen years was protectively cuddling him in public.

This is something you and Taehyung would do without blinking an eye, Jimin. This doesn't mean Jungkook likes you.

Hoseok eventually glanced up from his hotdog and his eyes widened in shock when he saw what his two friends were up to. He not so subtly nudged Seokjin and nodded to the pair, and the elder also gawked, about to comment before Yoongi and Taehyung sauntered up, in a similar position to Jungkook except it looked a little less natural, as Yoongi had demanded to be the big spoon despite the obvious height difference. "What the hell is up with all these cuddlers?!" Seokjin exclaimed, suddenly very aware of the fact he had no one, to which the others merely shrugged too absorbed in each other to pay proper attention to him, prompting him to scoff in disbelief.

"Let's just go see the sodding bonfire." he sulked, stalking in the direction of the hill they were going to go up to reach it. The other's followed him, happily chatting between themselves, Taehyung reluctantly freed himself from his date's grip and jogged to catch up with his best friend as Yoongi entertained himself in Taehyung's absence by talking to Hoseok. Jungkook had wandered ahead to try and cheer up Seokjin so Jimin was alone and happy to talk to Taehyung.

"How's it going?" the blonde grinned, his tone suggestive as he linked arms with Jimin to try and capture some of his body heat in the night's cold as they walked up the hill. "Good." the raven-haired breathed out, relieved that it didn't feel forced nor awkward between him and his crush. "I don't need to ask about you though, do I?" Jimin giggled, waggling his eyebrows at his friend, to which Taehyung grinned, even wider than before. "I know right!" he exclaimed, clearly overjoyed at how the evening had played out so far. "He was spinning the teacup kind of lazily and then he just randomly said 'fuck the stupid cups' and bam he was kissing me." Taehyung turned his head as he finished speaking and gave Yoongi a small wave, signalling he'd only be a few more minutes, to which Yoongi smiled widely at, exhibiting his adorable gummy smile.

"You two went from zero to one-hundred real fast," commented Jimin, when he had his best friend's attention once again. "Not all of us take fifteen years sweetie, which reminds still good for the plan?" the dancer nodded, nerves bubbling in his stomach at the thought of actually making a move on Jungkook.

Silly, considering we've...what would Jungkook say? Banged.

Taehyung sensed his friend's nerves and patted his hand reassuringly, "it'll work. Don't you worry." he whispered determinedly, before spotting Jungkook and Seokjin, waiting for them to catch up, a few metres ahead. "Well I better go, your man's waiting for you...and you said he definitely didn't like you. Pfft."

Wait...when have I ever said I thought Jungkook definitely didn't like me?

Jimin had wanted to ask Taehyung what he was referring to but the boy had already raced off to Yoongi. "Seokjin hyung isn't sulking anymore!" Jungkook announced when Jimin caught up with the pair, Seokjin rolled his eyes at the younger before telling them "they needed to hurry up to be on time for the fireworks." before walking away from the pair to the rest of the group, who was several feet behind them. "Seokjin arranged for me to light the fireworks this year, " Jimin explained as the pair sped up the hill, getting closer and closer to the bright bonfire which was now in view. "Any chance I can help?" the taller questioned, eager to join in. "Of course, " smiled his hyung, secretly happy that he wasn't going to have to pretend to be an idiot to get his crush's help.

The group of six eventually reached the bonfire, they all basked in the warmth it emitted their faces orange from the soft glow. Taehyung pulled out his phone, motioning for Jimin to get started with the fireworks when he hit record. The dancer took a deep breath and nudged Jungkook, nodding towards the pile of fireworks ready to be lit by the pair. Jimin picked up the smallest firework he could see and passed his crush the matches, but Jungkook shook his head dismissing the measly one the elder had chosen. "Get that one!" he exclaimed, pointing eagerly to a large, thick firework the shape of an orange dragon with a stick poking out its end, which Jimin assumed was to stick into the ground in order to keep it upright.

It was that big.

The raven-haired boy dropped his tiny firework of choice and picked up the large dragon. Sticking it into the ground half-heartedly as the pair's friends diverted their attention to lighting sparklers, barring Taehyung who was still filming '#jikook.' Jimin took a step backwards cautiously eyeing the firework which was wobbling precariously. "Light her up..." the short boy said, his tone unsure and worried, which Jungkook didn't pick up on as he lit a match and held it to the firework.

He hurried over to Jimin as the fuse began to be eaten up by the flame, getting closer and closer to the dragon.

The dancer glanced at his friend unsure of the plan all of a sudden, but Taehyung only nodded signalling for him to just hurry up and do it. Trying not to think too hard, Jimin grabbed Jungkook's coat and pulled the boy closer to him by it. He looked up at the brunette, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, he slowly began to close the gap between them getting nearer and nearer.

"Jimin! LOOK OUT!"

The dragon had fallen to its side as the flame reached the end of the fuse and amidst Taehyung's shrieking, it shot off, exploding through the air.

Straight towards Jimin and Jungkook.

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