Bonfire night III

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"Jimin! LOOK OUT!"

"Shit, Kook are you okay?"

"Hoseok quick! Oh my God, oh my God."

"What? What happened?"

"The fucking firework blew up in their faces!"

"Yoongi, drive your car to the nearest car park, we better get these two to hospital."

"Fucking hell! Is that Jungkook?"

"He got hit by the firework...we're going to the hospital, you come with us Namjoon."

All Jimin could hear was distant voices as his view became more and more distorted until all he could see was darkness. The voices became fainter and fainter until Jimin couldn't recognise any of his senses.

He opened his eyes and had to immediately shut them because of the searing, overwhelming light. He could feel a sweaty hand clutching his with an iron grip, which he thought was Taehyung's- but he couldn't be sure. Low sobs bounced off walls around him, which he knew were definitely Taehyung's, the sound of his best friend's whimpers fueled Jimin to try and open his eyes again, the boy hated to hear anyone upset, especially the person he cared for most.

He peered around the room, which he recognised as a hospital cubicle, and his brown orbs laid eyes on his best friend who was sitting next to the head of the bed Jimin was laid across. His head was bowed, it looked as though he was staring at the dancer's hand, cupped in between his. "Tae?"

The blonde head of hair shot up, revealing Taehyung's red nose and cried-out eyes. "Jimin!" he exclaimed joyfully lunging forward to hug his best friend gleefully. "Seokjin hyung is grabbing some coffee with Hoseok, " he explained letting go of the raven-haired boy and leaning back in his chair. "Where's Jungkook?" Jimin rasped, his voice hoarse and worried. "He's got another cubicle...don't worry Yoongi's right by his side and he's awake. After his checkup is finished, if he's given the all-clear, he can come and see you."

There was a loud holler from the door, and the two boys turned to see Hoseok and Seokjin rushing towards the bed at full speed. "How do you feel? Are you faint? Do you need some food?" Seokjin gushed crazily, Jimin looked at Hoseok and Taehyung waiting for them to tease the elder for being over cautious, but their faces mirrored the red-haired's worry and guilt-ridden one.

"I feel fine, I think, just a bit confused. I don't feel faint anymore just kind of weary. No, I don't need any food."

The three boys nodded, taking what Jimin was saying in with a fine tooth comb and the small boy got the feeling he was going to be being babied for a long time. "What's the last thing you remember?" Prompted Seokjin, the raven-haired boy sighed, thinking back over the evening. He remembered teacups, candy-floss, fireworks and-

"I remember going in the ambulance." he blurted out, wanting to tell his friends what he knew just in case he somehow managed to forget. "Jimin...we drove here," Taehyung said, his voice laced with even more worry at the thought of his best friend's memory being distorted. "But-but-" the small boy protested "I heard the sirens." At Jimin's words, Taehyung and Seokjin broke out into a chorus of annoyed groans, turning to look Hoseok judgingly.

"Sorry, " the semi-pink-haired boy uttered uncomfortably, "I got nervous..." Jimin blinked up at Hoseok, the only words running through his mind being 'what the fuck?' His friend clearly picked up on the lowkey judgement directed towards him and drastically changed the subject.

"You got hit in the shoulder by the firework, you were the only one who took a direct hit, Jungkook just got the explosion bit..." When the raven-haired boy lifted his hand to his right shoulder he flinched, it was very burnt and very painful, his whole arm felt dead from the impact. "The doctor said they think you both passed out from the shock not the actual, you know, fiery explosion right in your faces."

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