Eight days after Bonfire Night

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When Jimin had told Taehyung what the contents of Jungkook's letters were he was practically fuming, maybe it was his overprotective habits over Jimin, but Taehyung was convinced Jungkook was lying to take advantage of his best friend all over again. So they'd been investing their time in a 'Jungkook detox' ever since, which involved binging on Doritos and marshmallows and deleting anything to do with the brunette. Today was day three and they were still camped out on Hoseok and Seokjin's sofa doing nothing but watching television and eating junk food.

Hoseok emerged from his bedroom after finishing his homework and launched himself onto Jimin and Taehyung. Who laughed in protest and battered the elder playfully. "Whatcha doing today?" the pink-haired questioned, nibbling on some Pringles from the can Taehyung was holding. "I've got a date with Yoongi" grinned Taehyung "Apparently Jungkook's in Busan so we have his dorm to ourselves." Jimin's face fell at the mention of the brunette, and Hoseok and Taehyung looked at him, concerned.

"I'm fine!" he exclaimed overdramatically, "I can handle hearing his name!" his friends nodded, knowing that if they kept pressing the subject then Jimin would just get frustrated. "Do you think you two will make it official soon?" snickered Hoseok, teasing the blushing younger. "I hope so..." Taehyung smiled, and Jimin couldn't help but giggle seeing how happy his best friend was- this was his first ever love interest. It was just past lunchtime and Taehyung had agreed to meet Yoongi at five and have dinner with him meaning they had a few hours before Taehyung needed to leave so they decided to watch a movie and hope that Seokjin might wake up from the noise.

They were halfway through the lady and the tramp when Seokjin stalked into the living room, his hair a mess and his face plastered with fatigued annoyance. "Could you consider turning that crap down?" Hoseok mocked shock at the sleepy elder's words, deciding it was fine to rid him of his sleep now that it was past two in the afternoon. "But you love this movie, hyung,"

Seokjin glanced to the screen and let out a small yelp of glee. "Disney!" He exclaimed before rushing to the sofa and plonking himself between the three boys, prompting a chorus of annoyed groans. However, the group of boys watched the entire film contentedly and between Jimin's friends' endless banter and constant bickering Jungkook was expelled from his mind for a few hours.

When the credits rolled onto the screen Taehyung arose from the, for lack of a better term, snuggle-fest on the couch and announced that he needed to go get ready for his date. Hoseok had promised to help Taehyung pick something out to wear so he scurried after him. Seokjin mumbled something about a shower before marching in the direction of the bathroom, leaving Jimin alone.

For the first time in a week, Jimin was left completely alone with his thoughts and it wasn't long before Jungkook popped into his head, thoughts of what could have been plagued the raven-haired boy and he felt tears welling in his eyes. He pulled his knees into his chest and sobbed silently, letting out all the emotions he'd held back to stop his friend's worrying.

Taehyung would be ready soon and he and Hoseok would be bound in to see Jimin beside himself, he didn't want to risk anyone seeing him like this, he needed a distraction from Jungkook, and fast. He flicked on the television and looked through the channels, his eyes still red and his nose still sniffly. He finally landed on the Simpsons and began to try and take deep breaths to calm himself.

He was midway through settling his thoughts when Hoseok and Taehyung emerged, Taehyung wearing a black button-up shirt and skinny jeans, simple but hot. He wiped his eyes haphazardly and hoped neither of the pair would notice he'd been crying, his best friend seemed too wrapped up in his upcoming date and Hoseok was just a bit oblivious. Before anyone could really register what was happening Taehyung had been ushered out the door to meet Yoongi and Seokjin was prancing around the dorm in a towel searching for his pink onesie.

He eventually found it, to Hoseok and Jimin's relief, he put on the clothing and pulled out a copy of Cinderella, claiming that it was 'a classic' and that they 'had to watch it.' They were all sitting on the edge of their seats to see if Cinderella was going to make it to the ball when Jimin's phone began to ring non-stop. "Who the hell cares about you this much?" moaned Seokjin, pausing the movie so Jimin could answer the caller.

"It's Taehyung..." Jimin said, bemused, as he lifted the mobile to his ear. "Tae what's up-"

"JIMIN!" Taehyung's loud voice shouted down the line "I need your help!" Before Jimin could agree his best friend continued to babble down the phone. "Yoongi thought it would be cool if we dyed our hair and I told him about that limited edition red dye I got and he thinks we should try it! Could you go pick it up from our dorm and bring it over?" all of the younger's words sounded like they'd meshed together and that Taehyung was writing some kind of obscure rap.

"Sure I-" Jimin began to reply but was cut short by Taehyung ending the call as soon as he got confirmation.

"I need to deliver something to Tae...do either of you want to come?" both of his friends shook their heads and delved further under the blanket, prompting Jimin to sigh and grab his coat before stalking to Taehyung's and his dorm.

He halted in his tracks when he laid eyes on the door to the dorm.

There placed sitting in a basket next to a bunch of flowers and an array of chocolates were Chimmy and Cooky. A note was pinned to the side of the basket, which was in Jungkook's neat writing.

I guess if we're getting a divorce then we should decide who gets custody of the kids.

I think they'd be happier with you.

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