Five and a half days after Bonfire Night

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Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and Jimin had stayed out late indulging in the 'Mexican fiesta lifestyle' most of the night, so Jimin had completely forgotten about Jungkook's letter until the next morning. He woke up to Hoseok's breath against the side of his neck, the pink-haired boy had grown accustomed to sleeping next to Jimin and his cuddly side had most definitely come out. His eyes fluttered open when he got sick of Hoseok's heavy breathing and he gently pushed his hyung off of him, the pink-haired boy softly whined when he lost the warmth of Jimin's body heat, Jimin pottered out of his friend's bedroom and made his way to sit in front of the television. He flicked it on and turned the volume down before flopping down onto the couch, he surveyed the room, noticing the letter he'd left on the table on the right of the room.

He hadn't read it yet and he'd wanted to wait for Taehyung to read it with him. But he'd pined after Jungkook for 75% of his life and seeing him go to such efforts was irresistible. He picked up the letter and ripped it open, yearning to hear what Jungkook had to say in a moment of weakness.

Dear Jimin,

If you're reading this it means you got the letter I gave to Namjoon instead of the one I'm trying to give you myself- so you must be really mad at me.

I am so sorry. I'm sorry I used you for sex when I knew how you felt about me and that you wouldn't be able to separate the physical from the emotional, leading to you getting hurt. I'm sorry I told you I didn't want to be with you so carelessly after I acted as though we were already dating. I'm sorry I violated your privacy by going on your phone without your permission. Most of all; I'm sorry I let what could've been the most perfect relationship slip away.

As you know, my parents got divorced when my brother and I were very young. They were constantly fighting throughout my childhood and I've never believed in love since. I saw how much they hated each other after their marriage and I hated the idea of us being like that one day because we fell in love and broke up. I've been watching my brother devote his time to relationships for so much time, and it always ended with him tears binging ice cream and chick flicks.

I'd like to say I don't want to be in a relationship because I'd hate to see someone I love in that much pain, but the truth is; I hate the thought of being that vulnerable and broken, and I know that you have the power over me to turn me into that.

I'm a coward Jimin. And I'm also a mess for you.

I know I've acted stupidly and I didn't realise how much I cared until Yoongi told me you'd found out how I treated you. I realised in that moment how important you are to me and that I'm forever willing to risk everything for you.

I may not have allowed us to fall in love because of my fears before, but I'd love to try and fall in love with you Park Jimin.

Also Namjoon if you're reading this- FUCK OFF!

Jimin couldn't explain the array of emotions he felt once he'd finished the letter, but one emotion overrode all of his others- anger. Before he knew what he was doing he grabbed his phone and texted Jungkook, filled with overwhelming frustration.


I got your letter
Ripping it up right now
Consider yourself blocked both virtually and in reality.

Delivered at 9:46 am

Hoseok wandered out of his room to see Jimin ripping up paper over the bin muttering something about 'you can't just do that.'

"Jiminie? What's going on?"

The short boy turned to face him, his face flushed with anger and defeat. "Jungkook said he wants to be with me..." Hoseok stared at the red-haired boy for a second, confused. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"No!" the younger shouted "No! It's not okay that he can treat me like that and then just saunter back into my life!" Hoseok nodded, walking closer to Jimin and wrapping his arm around shoulders, being careful not to touch his burns "he sauntered?"

The raven-haired boy went silent at his friend's question, before shaking his head. "No...but he may as well have, I just hate myself for wanting to let him back into my life after he hurt me so much. So I can't go out with him."

Hoseok nodded understandingly and guided the distressed back to the couch, where the pair sat as Jimin cried.

"So you're never going to give him another chance?"

"No. I just can't do it."

Bonfire night | Jikook College auΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα