13 years until Bonfire night

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Two dark heads of hair peered out from their shared duvet cautiously. Their eyes scanned the darkness with their ears pricked, waiting. There was no sign of movement. Slowly the taller of the two seven-year-olds slipped out of the bed, pulling the second's hand to drag him along. Both of the children were giggling nervously, being a lot louder than they intended. Just before they were going to venture into the hallway the shorter leaned over the bed, picking a small stuffed rabbit and dog and placing their heads on the pillows, much like how he and his friend were previously lying. He pulled the cover up to be under their chins, making sure the two teddies were tucked-in sufficiently.

When he concluded they were ready he nodded to the taller boy, whispering into the darkness "Ready, Kook"

Jungkook held the small boy's hand, puffing out his chest like his dad did, to be manly. He guided the smaller boy to the door, raising his finger his to lips signalling they needed to be quiet before he silently opened the door. The smaller boy's eyes widened in fear when he looked out into the looming hall, he was content in the confines of his friend's bedroom but the dark, scary hallway was completely different. "I'm scared, " he whimpered, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout. "It's okay Jiminie," Jungkook smiled, squeezing his hand "it's only Namjoon" he giggled.

And, with a new wave of bravery, Jimin stepped out into the unknown.

Jungkook followed before abruptly freezing. His hyung looked at him in confusion, before the taller whispered exaggeratedly "the floorboards creek!" Jungkook stuck his arms out to be perpendicular to his torso, balancing his weight as best he could. He delicately moved his left foot to be in front of his right, walking as if on a tightrope. Jimin nodded approvingly and began to copy his friend's walk, still clutching his hand. The pair wobbled down the hallway avoiding all the 'creaks' which happened to be non-existent earlier that day.

Eventually, they reached their destination; a door with the words 'keep out' pinned on it. Jungkook reached for the door cautiously, trying his best not to giggle. Jimin stood there apprehensively, waiting as his friend disappeared into the room. Five minutes later Jungkook slipped out of the room again, clutching a blue koala and exhibiting a wide, bunny smile.

Thirteen years later Jungkook was holding the stuffed koala again, with the same toothy grin. "We've found Koya" he teased "Cooky is definitely sitting on my bed..." Jimin rolled his eyes recognising where this was going. "so..." the brunette tilted his head, holding the doll in front of the shorter's face and booping his nose in time to his next words. "Park. Jimin. Where. Is. Chimmy?" the younger couldn't help but break into laughter as his hyung stared at him completely unimpressed, brown orbs filled with mock hatred.

Jungkook, still laughing at Jimin's exasperation, sauntered past him to reach his bedroom and fetch Cooky. He came back out with the rabbit and koala hugged to his chest. He pulled Jimin to sit next to him on the top of the stairs and held each toy in the palm of his hands. "Sooooo..." he started, prompting Jimin to roll his eyes dramatically, knowing something ridiculous was about to come. "Cooky and the evil Koya soon realised that Chimmy was missing, so they teamed up to find him. Cooky just wanted his brother back but eviiiil Koya had so much fun ruining the lives of Cooky and his brother he would do anything to get him back."

Jimin suppressed a smile, unable to resist his old friend's charms. Jungkook noticed that the raven-haired boy was cracking and hurriedly took advantage of it. He put on a mock pout and baby voice and leaned into Jimin bringing Koya and Cooky with him, he rested his chin on his shoulder like a small child and looked up at the elder, who was still trying his best not to show signs of happiness.

"Won't you help Koya and Cooky find poor Chimmy?"

Jimin remained stoic for about two seconds, then suddenly burst out laughing alongside a loud, fake-reluctant "fine!"

"Yes!" the younger shrieked, jumping to his feet and bouncing up and down in the hall, waving the two stuffed animals above his head. Jimin laughed loudly at his actions, loving that the 'bad-boy' guard Jungkook always seemed to have up at school was stripped, for him. Before the elder could comprehend what was happening the brunette was dashing down the stairs at top speed, starting the car- ready to drive to Jimin's house and rifle through his attic. 

The smaller boy bounded after him, his face plastered with glee. He couldn't believe he was on a weekend away with his crush, the crush he hadn't even spoken to since they were children. Everything was suddenly falling into place, with Hoseok and Seokjin- his new friends, Taehyung and his bonfire date and now Jungkook. Maybe they would even find Chimmy.


"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE CAN'T FIND CHIMMY!" Jungkook screeched, tossing a half-empty cardboard box across the room in frustration. Jimin was just as frustrated, he was dusty, he was tired and he was worried that if this trip was a failure Jungkook wouldn't want to go on another with him. "I'm sorry we couldn't find him, " the smaller sighed, in defeat, "but it's getting late and Taehyung said they're doing another movie night tonight, we can make it back on time if we leave now?"

Jungkook looked up at his friend, silently pleading for them to stay longer, but he could see the tiredness in Jimin's eyes from late nights that he was partially responsible for and he knew it was time to go now, he didn't know where Chimmy was but he knew it wasn't here. He nodded at his hyung, telling him that 'a movie sounds good.' before stepping down the ladder to get out the attic.

Jimin followed, equally as disheartened as his companion just far less obvious. They stalked down to the kitchen in silence, neither of the pair wishing to admit just how bummed they were that they hadn't found the stuffed animal. They sat at the dining room table, doing one last phone check before they hit the road. Jimin sent a text to Taehyung telling him they'd be home soon, before putting the phone down on the table and wandering into the kitchen- telling Jungkook he was 'fetching some snacks for the road.'

Jungkook nodded in response, still busy on his phone. However, he was interrupted by the incessant buzzing coming from Jimin's phone next to him on the table, so, planning on just shutting it off, Jungkook picked up the old Samsung. When he raised the phone he saw all the texts were from Taehyung, unable to resist, the brunette swiped the screen to view the messages. However, he was stopped by the request for a password. Whenever Jungkook was presented with a keypad he'd automatically type in the password he used for everything; the digits of his birthday. Jungkook was shocked when the phone unlocked, allowing him to look at what Taehyung had sent.

He decided to put the fact that Jimin's code was his birthday down to chance, even though he understood how slim those chances were.

He distracted himself by reading what Taehyung had been saying to Jimin.

Yaaaay, we'll see you at 10 k?
Seokjin hyung picked out a load of chick flick movies so you better be here on time to help me survive :/
Also we need time to talk abt UR VENTURES WITH LOVER BOY
You get your flirt on with him yet? I rlly think he could like you back
#jikook amirite?

Jungkook's eyes went wide when he saw what Taehyung had said to Jimin. He glanced up to see if the raven-haired boy was still busy in the kitchen and, after making sure he was, Jungkook quickly typed a message in response.

Jungkook doesn't like me. Trust me.

Jimin is that you??
You never text with punctuation.

Yes, of course it's me.
I gtg now so I can drive
Don't reply!

Jungkook hurriedly deleted the texts, so Jimin would never know what he'd done, but as he was doing so the later walked in, mouth forming an 'o' when he spotted Jungkook on his phone.

"What are you doing with that?"

"I'm checking out your shitty phone weirdo, why would you even buy a Samsung?"

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