One and a half days until Bonfire night

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Jimin really wasn't bothered that Jungkook had been inspecting his phone, in fact, he was rather pleased- it meant the younger was showing some interest in his life. So he simply shrugged and asked if Jungkook was ready for the drive home. The brunette nodded yes and slid Jimin's phone to him.

"Are you happy to drive again?" the shorter asked sheepishly, as they walked to the car, not wanting to admit he was terrified of driving the precious vehicle and crashing. "Yes." Jungkook chuckled, the wool most definitely not pulled over his eyes as he made a mental note to drive as fast as possible, just to see the adorable fear on Jimin's face.

However, his plan went awry.

They reached the car but instead of hopping in the front seat Jimin opened the back door and donated five minutes to carefully placing Koya and Cooky on the seat together and helping them do up a seatbelt, which they were of course sharing. When he was finally finished the dancer closed the door, being careful not to slam it in case the force knocked the dolls sideways. As he made his way to the passenger's seat he caught his crush's eye, who hadn't got into the car and instead had watched the whole rabbit-koala-buckling-ordeal. Jungkook raised his eyebrows at his hyung, who shrugged defensively, and ignored the taller's question; 'have you even grown-up since we were seven?'

When they got in the car his hyung let out a loud yawn and leant his head against the window, telling himself he was simply 'resting his eyes.' But soon Jimin was snoring, not loudly and obnoxiously, but softly, it was almost cute and the sound comforted Jungkook. It comforted him so much he couldn't bring himself to speed up and risk waking the elder, so he trundled along the roads at a slow pace, not bothered about how long it was going to take to get to their college (which, by the way, at this rate would be approximately a week).

When Jimin readjusted himself to be lying down across the Maserati's seats he found it was a lot easier to sleep, so he stayed that way for a few minutes. But then a dull ache began to spread to his legs, which were folded into the small boy's chest as if he were a deck chair. To try a rid himself of the cramp he stretched his legs out, pushing him up the seat slightly, which thankfully was not like the seats in a regular car, which were separate with a gap in the middle, the seats in this car were more like two sofa's, one in the back one in the front. Meaning Jimin's head was getting dangerously close to Jungkook's thighs.

The younger boy immediately tensed when he saw how near his hyung was to his legs, he couldn't push Jimin away in case he woke up so he just had to hope beyond hope that he didn't move any closer, which worked

for about ten minutes.

Unable to sleep without unfolding all his body parts completely Jimin found himself pushing his legs against the car door and moving his body down the seat until he hit...something. He didn't know what it was, but in his sleepy state he didn't really care, so, deciding he would deem it a makeshift-pillow he plopped his head down on top off the object and continued to snore.

Jungkook completely tensed when he felt the weight of Jimin's head on his thigh, never before had he been so concentrated on driving. He refused to move Jimin's head out of guilt, he had crashed in the boy's bed last night (not exactly helping him sleep) and the night before he had forced him to stay up whilst he was very sick, so who was he to deny Jimin sleep now?

The brunette decided it was fine, he would drive back to college, wake Jimin up and sleep on his floor that night, instead of alongside the younger in bed. He may have felt uncomfortable but it was certainly better than being around his brother.

It was fine.

It was fine. It was fine.

It was fine, fine, fine.

Jungkook said the words over and over again under his breath, he didn't want to give Jimin the wrong idea now that he knew about his feelings. But even Jungkook couldn't argue it was fine when he felt a familiar stiff feeling in his pants.


He glanced down at Jimin to see if he had been roused from his sleep, which he thankfully hadn't, he knew he couldn't expect Jimin to sleep straight for the next two hours without noticing Jungkook's slight problem. So, upon spotting a motel, the driver pulled the car over and, making sure not to wake the sleeping boy, he slipped out the driver's seat and rested Jimin's head carefully on the seat. He shuffled awkwardly into the motel, spotting the reception desk and running over to hide his lower half behind the table.

"I-I need a room, " he stuttered, trying to act as natural as possible even though he'd never felt more awkward in his life. The woman behind the desk glanced up at Jungkook carelessly and nodded before leaving to fetch a key for him. The young boy rapped his knuckles against the surface of the desk, wishing he had something to cover his crotch. The whole situation reminded him of the time Jimin had climbed on his feet to hide the damp patch on his trousers that showed he'd wet himself, Jungkook doubted he could get away with doing that now.

The woman returned to him with a key promptly, announcing the room was 'unbooked for the next week' that Jungkook could 'pay the bill when he left.' The brunette grabbed the key and dashed to the room, that was labelled on the key, with a rushed 'thanks.' He slammed the door behind him and took as many deep breaths as he could handle, giving himself a few minutes to 'calm down' before he went to fetch Jimin.

He opened the car door slowly, to not make any noise and ran his hand along the elder boy's cheek, trying to wake him gently. Jimin jolted up at Jungkook's touch, his hair skew-whiff and the cheek that was against the car seat bright red.

He looked pretty cute.

He sniffed and yawned, turning his head left and right to see if could piece together his surroundings.

"I needed a rest, much like you," he grinned, teasing the sleepy boy. "So I got us a room and figured we could spend the night here." Jimin nodded dazedly in return. Stumbling to climb out the car, and follow Jungkook into the motel. They sauntered past the reception, both boys noticing the receptionist's gaze following Jimin (can you blame her?), and strode up the stairs to their room. Jungkook flung the door open for the second time that evening and both the boy's jaws dropped.

"Kook...why would you get a room with only one bed?"

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