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will: hey can we talk?

stephen: it's been three months, you only now decide that?

will: stop making me feel worse than i already do

stephen: you will never understand even 1% of how bad you made me feel. to the point of i was going to do something i couldn't fix, that i couldn't come back from. but do tell, please tell me how horrible your life is because so many people like you and you have everything going for you and everyone loves you. so do tell.

will: yeah, you know what? you're right. you're so fucking right. i'm sorry. i've wanted to say this every single day to you. i'm so fucking sorry, i've treated you like dog shit, i know i have, and i don't deserve you. you are an incredible person and it's a fucking honour that i get to say your name, nevermind to know you.
i'm an asshole, and you didn't deserve anything i said to you. i'm gonna get you the money back i promise, i just need time i'm so sorry stephen

stephen: it's not about the money. i couldn't care less if you paid me back, i'm not asking you to because i don't want it, i want you to be happy, that's all.

will: how don't you hate me yet?

stephen: because i'm so in love with you you could kill me and i wouldn't mind.

will: holy fuck

stephen: please tell me something's come up and that you need to go, mia's just arrived or something so i can get away from this.

will: i'm free all day.

stephen: the one time i actually want you to stop talking to me you have nothing planned. when i texted you, you seemed so eager to end the conversation, where's that will gone?

will: go to your door

stephen: why? what have you done?

will: this 'will' is here to see you.

he was terrified. why was will here to see him?
stephen put his phone down, and a shiver ran down his spine. not a good sign. marginally trembling, stephen got up, and trodded over to the front door of his apartment, unlocking it to reveal a very apologetic but relieved will, holding... some notes? he looked closer. no, no way.
there was no way on earth those were genuine.

it was two tickets to new york for a month.
first class, the best will could've gotten. why did he know this? because it had been stephens dream to go to new york since he was a kid.
when he told will, they had known each other for a good while, they were unbreakably close friends.
stephen looked up at will, eyes wide and close to watering.

"you didn't.."

"come 'ere. god, oh god you don't understand how much i've missed yous."
will pulled stephen into a hug bursting with warmth, making his heart swell. he had missed this so much. three months. it had been three months since he had last seen will, and it tore him up more than he'd like to admit.
they needed to hug for a good long while to make up all the time they missed with each other.
eventually they pulled back, unfortunately to both parties. stephen moved out of the way and let will in, and after closing the door stephen lead will to his couch. will had some explaining to do.
the pair sat down, and will put the tickets on the table, before he began to speak. stephen was sure not to interrupt.

" 'm gonna start at the very beginning, when i started to text weird. y' know, when i started using letters to text and shortening things down to act as if i couldn't care less, round that time like. well, it was all a plan. if i came off as rude and like i would rather be doing anything else other than texting you, good. because it wasn't me, i was acting like that. and i started distancing myself from you because i had so much stuff to get and do for you. when i said mia had come over? that was when i had gone to that shop we walked past months back and you spotted a watch in the window, i went and bought it for you. when i said i was at a restaurant with mia? i was actually at your favourite restaurant, that really expensive one in the middle of london booking a table for us, for tonight. i felt disgusting acting like that around you, and i'm so so sorry i didn't help you when you had a panic attack. the things i said, i didn't mean them, i-"
will had to stop himself from crying.
stephen started in awe, will... he'd done all that for him?
he had to ask something.
"w-when y- you t-texted me- y-you said i was an attention seeker, called me selfish cau- cause i relapsed.. did you mean tha- that?"
it came out close to a whisper.
will looked up at him, and his eyes broadened with horror.

"oh g-god, you don't understand- i- i felt disgusting ste. i didn't let m'self eat or drink for a day, then i'd drink a glass of water, slice of apple and a packet of crisps to keep me going, sometimes not even that. 'n i told m'self at some point you were gonna die cause of me. i even tried self harming m'self, anything to make me feel as bad as i made you feel. i uh- i should've stopped there, im sorry, there's no excuse, im a horrid person for not helpin' you or somethin- god, i- i have no words. i shoulda helped you, some somethin' to help-"
"hey listen will. it's okay. now that i know what you we're doing, it's fine. your apology is genuine, and you know i can't be mad at you for long. besides, i'm always terrible at handling emotions. it's okay. it's in the past now, and i'm more focused on sorting things, cause you don't understand how much i missed you."
"oh stephen, what would i do without you?"
"i don't wanna know honestly, you're too good of a friend to lose."
"just a friend?"
"what- uh- what do you-"

stephen was cut short by will leaning closer to him. he got immediately nervous, their faces were inches apart.
"is there a problem love?"
will cupped his face with a hand, and pulled him into a slow and gentle kiss. one people would die to share and the meaning behind it was unreal. that was the kiss he was currently melting over. stephen obviously kissed back, draping his arms around wills neck, fumbling with his hair a little as their kiss deepened a bit, thanks to stephens slight head tilt.
to breathe the eventually had to pull away, but only slightly. mere inches separated them, they were sharing the same oxygen, even taking in each other's breaths as a push.

" 'ave been wanting' to do that for months, love. ste, god. i'm so in love with you."
"will, i can only say the same. i love you more than anything in this entire world, i'd die for you."
"before y' do that, wanna go t' new york?"
"i'd love to."
stephen breathed, drowning perfectly in wills gorgeous eyes.
"love you, so much."
"i love you too ste. more than words could ever say."

hey look wasn't that bad was it lol
hope u enjoy, im off to update some other books x ;)
-z 💞

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