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'nah, fuck this. i'm gonna go confront him.'

will ran a hand through his hair, a little shaky. his beer bottle was close to empty and his eyes hurt. the lights were blinding him, but he needed to go and find stephen. he wanted answers.
did he deserve them though? in what position was will in that he was deserving of why his mate is performing at a gay club. was he gay? will hadn't really thought about it. now that he had, he probably was.

will stumbled over to the side of the stage where that presenting man was sat, some sort of cocktail in his hand.
"hey mate, you know stephen? your performer?"
the response was instant.
"yeah i do. he's our best twink here. he's been a dancer for god knows how long, what- four years? four years at least. anyway, what you want from him? he doesn't do sex work on week days, if you're wondering."
wills eyes widened.
"oh- god no, i- im wondering if i could just go see him? i'm his mate."
"what's his-"
"robin williams. he's always wanted to work with him."
"fair, fair. i'll bring you through, im sure he's got a minute or so free."
the guy placed down his drink and hopped down from his seat, walking off somewhere behind the stage. will was quick to follow,
and they reached a corridor of doors each adorning name plates.
the pair walked quickly down the hall until they reached stephens room. all it said was 'stephen 'deco' lawson'.

"right, here we are then. he's going home in a bit, have a good night."
"cheers, appreciate it."
will patted the guys back, feeling a little awkward for not taking his name. otherwise, the guy walked off, and it was just the door separating him from stephen.

will brought his hand up to knock. he hesitated, should he do this? will shook his head and knocked. he wasn't going to pussy out now.
there was a few moments of silence, then the rattle of keys unlocking the door, and then it opened.
stephen has wrapped himself up in a soft blanket, still in his performing attire, will noticed.
as soon as stephen looked up, realisation wiped across his face, as well as a hard blush. will felt a bit bad, stephen was hiding this from him after all.
and stephen shut the door.
he slammed it shut, then after a few moments, he re opened it.
will was still there.
"will? wh- why are you here".
stephen was quick to lower his head, absolutely in shame. it was shock too, as if he were to look up once more and will would've disappeared, seeing he hadn't after shutting the door, as if he were a hallucination. stephen wanted anything but his best mate to find out about what he did for money.
the geordie tried to, sympathise? he didn't know, he just didn't want stephen to feel bad about this whole thing.
"i- i honestly don't know really. i came here to get drunk, then i saw you perform, i wanna know why you're working here. surely not for the money, right?"
he blurted out, then held his mouth. that was too quick of a response, so he didn't answer to his velocity. he ushered will in, closed the door and the pair sat on the sofa just to their left.
his room was very much like a dressing room, there was a desk with a large mirror, lights around it and an array of makeup, drinks and other things scattered on the table. there was a seat tucked gently under the desk, and there seemed to be an on-suite toilet too. the rest was just posters on the wall, but will was more focused on that desk. he noticed a few framed pictures, and they all seemed to be of stephen with none other than himself. as will paid more attention, he noticed small heart stickers had been settled onto said frames, it was rather cute to be h-
"i really hoped this wasn't real. i wanted to b-be hallucinating, a dream, anything but the truth. suppose i can't hold it off any longer now,."

will whipped his head around to face stephen, who was messing about with the blanket covering his practically exposed body, and he was looking at his lap. will sighed in sorrow, would've it been better if he just didn't mention it at all?
"hey, stephen. it's nothing to be ashamed about. the people love you out there. did you see that crowd? everyone swarmed around the stage to see you. clearly you're doing something right."
"what do you mean, nothing to be ashamed about? i put my body on show and dance for people to get off on it. i'm selling my body to people, will."
will looked at him in pure sorrow. why was he doing this? stephen should be treated with care and love, not this. not like this.
"but, why?"
stephen did not want to answer.
but after some back rubs and soothing words that came from the formers mouth, he did.
"needed the money. so badly, my mum needs it to pay off bills 'n so, i- i became this ages ago, she thinks it's youtube money but.."
"please don't say that's true, stephen. you shouldn't treat yourself like this. you really did sell yourself to help your mum?! why didn't yous ask me for some, i'll always help you out-"
"i didn't want to! i felt bad asking for money from friends. it didn't feel right. so i kept this on the low so people didn't find out what i was doing. you won't tell anyone, will you?"
"no, i won't need to because you're not gonna be doing this anymore. i'm gonna help you pay for the stuff you pay for through this. i'm not gonna let you treat yourself like nothing, stephen, your body is beautiful. alright? i'm not gonna let you put yourself down like-"
"i do it cause i hate m' body. it was a good way to get money and ruin myself at the same time.."

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