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hi guys
um well for once in my life i wanted to be real with you all.
i know people don't really read my books anymore because they think they're shit or i'm a weirdo and i type in caps and i'm emotionless or whatever the fuck it is i do but, uh fuck man that's just a wall to stop myself from hurting.
i'm sorry if i upset anyone, i couldn't take being myself here, things got too out of hand.
i'm sorry, all of you.
i hope you guys forgive me for being shit a publishing, if you want a specific shot in any book please comment it i'll write it.
i'm sorry, again.
you all deserve better than me, you deserve actual good content.
i hope u lot don't hate me haha.
well, to be honest my life's been fucked atm, i recently fucked up big time with a relationship and i still care about them so much but ofc they've moved on and hate me so yknow, fun.
they'll probably read this so hi, uh ily sorry for making you feel shit i'm fucking stupid.
anyway, forget me and my problems, if you ever need someone to talk to i'm your guy, i'm happy to listen.
have a good weekend.

i love every single one of you lot, thanks for the support, all of you. i don't know how you put up with me.


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