cold door handles

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It was an ordinary day for Stephen. He had finished the tour with his best mate, he was preparing to make a proper schedule for uploading and roughly things were going okay.
That's what he told himself, at least.
Things were in fact not okay, in the slightest.
He had next to no money. Yes, the tour had helped, it'd helped so much but it only went so far. He used it to pay rent, electricity, heating, water bills and food. Little food. And that's where it stopped. All the money was gone. He had to spread out how much he hate, which ended up being very, very little a month.

At the moment, he had so little money even the most cheapest of foods was becoming a luxury.
You may think, surely he'd ask a friend for help, but he hadn't the stomach to do it. He couldn't bare the thought of being so desperate as to ask for a friend to keep him under a roof.

Tough day. Tough week. Tough month. Tough year.

Will was sat in his apartment, pent up. He hadn't had a partner in years now as he didn't have the time for one and to be honest he couldn't be arsed really.
Scrolling through his twitter feed on his laptop, he finds a mention from George, and he almost coughed on oxygen when he read it.
'Will mate I'll give you all my pokemon cards and a tenner, just click on this 🤪😍 //'

Will was intrigued. Will also wanted that shiny god damn rayquaza.

He clicked, and what was brought up, was a website with a list of boys, some older than will, some younger. He then looked at what this was all about, it read 'click on a boy you like, find his price and have a good night ;)'
Oh fuck. This was a rent boy website.
Wills first reaction was to close the website and never think of it again, but, he didn't. What was he doing?
He scrolled through the hundreds of boys that had, what he assumed, sent in their favourite photo's of themselves and oh my god that was stephen.
Stephens face was there. His photo. Will had taken that.
Surely this was George or Alex playing some sort of trick on him, he clicked out of impulse.
And Stephen's profile was brought up. Fucking hell this was a dodgy site.
'This young male is a stunning piece. Cute, rounded face and soft ginger hair, this little brat can definitely turn any man. A definite bottom, are you going to be the man to take the one innocent thing left from him?'

The only thing will took from that was that Stephen was actually a virgin. Not that he was gay, or he was selling himself, that's what struck him.
Then the selling himself part did.
Why the fuck was Stephen doing that?

Stephen sat on his bed with a gentle sigh, rubbing his head.
He hadn't slept on something comfortable in so long.
He was going to get kicked out of his little apartment next Monday.
It was Thursday.
He had no money.

Then his phone pinged.
He flipped it, and his eyes widened.
'Looks liek you're having fun tonight! You have a buyer!'

Oh my god. He scrambled, tapped on the notification, put in his password and read the full description of what had just happened.

What he had gathered, a guy had actually bought him for tonight, he was in the same apartment block as will and oh my god it was wills apartment.
it couldn't be, right?
Stephen wipes his face of sweat.
He was so nervous. He had to be there in half an hour.

Will had no fucking clue what he was doing.
He had just bought his best mates arse on some dodgy rentboy website.
He hadn't even thought about what he was going to do.
Maybe tidy? He didn't fucking know.
Was he gay? That's not important now.
He slammed his laptop shut in a rush and leapt out of bed, scrambling to make his apartment at least a little presentable.

By the time he was finished, there was a soft knock at the door.
He walked over, and gulped.
Turning the key, he opened the door.
Stephen stood there, tears streaming down his face.
Will opened his mouth to say something, but he was stopped by Stephen kissing him. He forced himself to break through his anxiety and actually kissed will.
He knew will wasn't kissing back.
He pulled away.

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