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stephen thinks he's the last person on earth.
every living being was wiped out, and so the poor male settled in an apartment by his lonesome. three years go on quicker and slower than he could ever expect, and just as stephen is about to lose all hope of ever speaking to someone again, he spots someone.
surely it can't be another illusion, right?

when stephen first woke up, he was incased in a glass prison of blue liquid. tubes strangled his every skin cell, and a mask allowed him to breathe.
three hours of writhing and struggling, stephen was able to remove the tubes off of him and break the glass, escaping. after finding his locker untouched for thousands of years, he was rather relieved to find his old pairs of clothing. settling with a burgundy sweater and black jeans, stephen, accompanied by his backpack, set out on his journey to find the outside world.
at some point stephen found a scrunched up note discarded on the floor, left by god knows who, and after he opened and flattened it down on a table, it read:

if someone ever finds this, you need to know before you find out yourself.
you're alone.
everyone is dead.
i don't know what you'll do, the whole world is untouched, just very, very fucking baron.
it's probably cold too.
i just hope that whatever you do, you can build a new world to forget the past. because no one wants to remember what happened here.
please, please, please, whatever you do, make sure it's at least a little positive.
don't even bother looking for something alive.
humans are dead.
animals are dead.
call it a miracle if you find a fucking insect.
if in whatever hell you find another person, i hope you two do wonderful things together.
now go out there, and enjoy ruling over earth.

good fucking luck.

and when stephen read that, his heart sunk. he had no one to talk to. nothing to talk to. only his own thoughts. and so he didn't dwell on it long, stephen gently put down the note, and left the room, to go down a maze of hallways and the like to finally find the exit.

when stephen opened the door, whoever they were, they were right. it was so fucking cold. he shivered, but walked out anyway, and set out on his journey to find a place to live.

after walking around for what stephen guessed  to be an hour or so, he had found out a few basic things.
-he was in the uk.
-everything looked pretty normal.
-it was really quiet.
-stephen was scared.
-stephen needed a hug.
-the shops were still full of food, clothing, furniture, whatever they were selling.
-transportation still worked.
-stephen really needed a hug.

day 113

stephen had currently found a place to stay.
it was a lovely apartment in london, he assumed, as it was the busiest place he had visited so far. well, his busiest meant the amount of large buildings and apartments, and there was signs of london stuff he recognised so it had to be london. it was big enough for two people, and so stephen had chosen it male himself believe he was living with someone else. and that he could live with someone else, if the just turned up.
he had enough food to himself, and a steady little living he had going.
so far, he had found no one, nothing alive.
yet. hopefully.
stephen was currently sat on his couch, flicking through channels on the tv. of course nothing was live, stephen had somehow found out how to go back to when channels on the tv had existed, so he wasn't bored out of his mind. so really, he actually enjoyed living.
he had made a diary too. every day he'd write down stuff he'd discovered, how he felt, and just anything on his mind.
one thing that was apparent was that he really needed someone to take care of him.
someone to love him, spoil him a bit, cuddle with him, hold his hand, play with his hair, kiss him, that's what stephen needed.
so, a boyfriend.
he must've sounded like a year 10 schoolgirl, complaining about his absence of a man in his life.
god, stephen really hated being alone.

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