(S) H E F E L L

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stephen hadn't told anyone.
he didn't even want to admit it to himself.
he had to though, after everything he'd been through. all those years, god, what the hell had he put himself through?

sat, alone, a little cold and only natural light entered his room. his arm rested on his desk, fumbling with the end of his hoodie sleeve, staring at a framed picture, nearly two decades old.
a little girl, beaming happily, next to her mother. not just any girl. she was someone stephen so desperately wanted to forget.

his phone buzzed, almost a snakes hiss. stephen edged his gaze away from that horrid picture to his phone, illuminating his face.
it was a text from will, asking if he wanted to hang out. it was four in the afternoon, just about to go dark.
sure, what did he have to lose?
stephen texted back a small 'sure, im free for the rest of the day. mine?' to which will agreed, and so there was stephens first problem.
his best friend, his hardcore crush, was coming over in no less than half an hour and he needed to tidy his apartment right now or he'd never hear the end of it.
stephen stood up slowly, shuddering a little as the cold reach his porcelain skin through his thin hoodie. today had already been pretty low and dull, he needed will to cheer him up. will could always cheer him up.

stretching his limbs, stephen got to work with cleaning his room after turning on the warm light. he threw dirty clothing into the basket to wash, making his bed a little more presentable, sliding the curtains open and clearing his desk from miscellaneous stuff that once scattered it.
and as stephen had just about finished, there was a charming ring that bounced off his apartment walls. will was here. just in time.
stephen made his way with a small yawn to the door, unlocking it with the jingling keys by said door and unlocking it, to reveal will sporting his classic, cheeky grin.
"'ello ste mate!"
his phone was gripped by one hand, other in his pocket, stephen had noticed. he looked up and smiled, and the ginger boy was enveloped in a hug that was so easy to warm him up.
moments later, the pair separated, and will made his way into the flat, stephen making sure that he shut the door after him.
"so, yous got anythin' planned for us to do?"
stephen shook his head.
"nah, nothing came to mind so it's up to you. we can just chill and order some food in? i'm kinda tired so i'm not up for much, sorry to disappoint."
"ah, nought to be sorry for mate! that sounds like heaven to be fair like, i'm pretty knocked out m'self."
will flopped onto stephens bed, turning on the tv as he hopped onto his phone to order the food.
"anything you want in particular?"
as stephen followed, he shook his head.
"nah, whatever you fancy i'll have. are you sure you're happy paying?"
will scoffed.
"of course mate, even though i am the guest an' that like- i don't mind it."
he sent the smaller boy a wink after a small smile, chuckling a little. stephen looked down and blushed furiously- thankfully will had looked away.
"alreet, i've ordered two pizzas, just cheese. that sound good?"
stephen wiped his face along with his blush, thankfully.
"yeah, that sounds good, cheers will."
he waved off the thank you, saying it was nothing or something like that.
as the smaller male tapped his thigh, he felt a sudden dryness collapse over his throat.
"i'm gonna go grab a glass of water."
stephen mumbled out as he turned on his heel, not waiting for wills response as he scurried into his kitchen, grabbing a glass out of the cupboard and running the water, gulping down the glass to try and rid of that disgusting sensation. it felt like he was being stabbed in the throat with a blunt, rusted knife. he put the empty glass down, and the boy felt tears prick at the edges of his eyes and suddenly he was crying and it was all going to shit and he was crying even more now and he was grabbing at his heart because it hurt and he felt like he was going to die and his knees were trembling his face was hot and he was about to pass out until will wrapped his arms around his and suddenly everything was okay.
stephen yelped at the touch, but he slowly steadied his breathing, the tears had subdued and yet will still hadn't said a word.
all he could do was focus on his breathing, make sure his legs were steady and then stephen finally spoke.
it was almost a whisper.
"hawey, hawey. im here ste. you feeling any better?"
stephen didn't want to move.
"s'pose, god, i wish you didn't have to see these.."
he felt will shake his head.
"i want to be here so i can help y'us. it pains me t' see these aren't gettin' much better."
"i'm trying, medication isn't working as well as it should."
will sighed, he heard it.
"i'm sorry."
"you have nothing to be sorry for, now come on, let's go and chill on your bed, properly this time."
that sounded nice. that was some thing stephen definitely needed, he needed wills warmth, his cute laughs, happy beams and soft hair he was sometimes lucky enough to run his hands through.
will. he needed will.

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