Mr. Lenney

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stephen was desperate for a job. his last one sacked him for no good reason, other than he got the managers coffee order wrong one too many times. he couldn't help it though, stephen could be rather forgetful and was too anxious to ask again; what the order was.

as he was walking down one of londons streets, he spotted the old games shop stephen always went to for vinyls. you see, that shop had the best of both worlds, it sold video games and vinyls, both new and old. if he was looking for queen, mac miller, twenty one pilots, that shop would always have a vinyl for his needs. as he crossed the street to the shop, he prayed to whatever the hell was up there that they were looking for someone to work there. stephen entered, and to not seem rude, he picked out the last album he wanted from mac, swimming, and took it to the counter. there was a new person serving him, however. what once was a nice old man, was now a young boy, no older than stephen, and very good looking, may he add. the guys name was will, stephen found out that by little nametag he wore, it was unusual to see but he didn't mind the change, as nice as the previous man was.

"uh- hi, can i just get this p-please?"

stephens voice was almost silent, will was lucky to pick up what he said.

"'course, nice choice, by tha way."

stephen instantly adored his geordie accent, it suited him well.

"w-whats your n-name?"

the ginger blurted out, jesus sometimes he could be stupid. his nametag was right there.

"william lenney. will f' short."

will said after a gentle chuckle, scanning the album as he spoke. stephen paid, and just as he took the receipt along with his newly purchased vinyl, he paused.

"y-you wouldn't p-perhaps be looking f-for someone to w-work here w-would you? i- i really need a- i need a job, a-and because i come h-here often i was just w-wondering-"



"a' could really use another pair 'f hands around here. m' uncle, who used t' work here moved away t' retire an' seeing as i already lived in london he decided t' give the shop t' me. so yes, i'd really like t' hire you..."

will let his sentence drag on to let stephen give him his name.


"stephen. is tomorrow too early to ask you to start?"

"n-no, not at a-all. are my hours the same as t-the shops o-opening and closing t-times?"

"just add an hour t' each side. 8 till 10. you get the weekend off, just like me. is £9 an hour okay?"

"o-oh that's p-perfect, t-thank you s-so much, thank y-you will."

"not a problem ste. if you mind 'us calling you that like."

"n-not at all."


will shot stephen a wink, causing him to fall into a furious blush.

"s-see you tomorrow, a-again thank you."

he spoke softly as he turned to leave, no louder than a mouse. god stephen needed to work on his volume.

"i do hope so. i don't do this f' just anyone."

what did he mean by that? stephen was far from special. he didn't question it, instead, he paused in his tracks, and turned around.

"o-oh, and how d-do you like your coffee?"

"milk an' two sugars. why's you askin?"

"n-no reason! goodbye will!"

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