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it's been 3 years since stephen had met will.
they had been on all sorts of adventures, and in fact met a dog along one. it was a white pitbull, and they decided to name her daisy. they were a little family.
or so stephen wished.
they were inseparable, truly inseparable.
and stephen still hadn't the stomach to voice his feelings.
he desperately wanted to, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. he loved will so much. the last thing he wanted was for will to hate him because of something he couldn't control.

stephen was currently sat on the sofa, checking the tracker from time to time. will was, coincidentally, out finding food. daisy was lay on his lap, even though she was nearly as big as him.
"daisy, what should i do?"
the dog looked up, wagging her tail.
"should i tell him?"
she tilted her head, curious.
"i'm scared he'll leave me. i don't want him to leave me dais."
she sat up and licked his cheek.
"alright, alright. i'll tell him when he gets home."
stephen smiled, petting the dog.
she perked her ears up, stephen taking it as a yes.
he stood up, daisy following suit, into the kitchen where he began to scoop out some wet dog food into her bowl.

2 hours pass, and stephen was in the kitchen, sat at the table eating by himself, still.
he grew increasingly worried about will, and decided to voice it to the dog. he knew she wasn't understanding what he said, but it comforted him.
"where do you think he is, hey daisy? i'm so worried about him. i hope he's alright. what if he's found a girl?"
the door clicked, stephen didn't hear.
"what if he's run off with her and left us here? what if he's hurt himself? should we go look for him? i told you i need to tell him how i feel. god, what if he's lost? i'm so fucking scared if he's found a girl and likes her more tha-"

stephen froze.
he didn't move. he didn't dare.
he heard will walk over.
"what are you on about?"
"what do you mean, what do you need to tell me?"
tears were falling down stephens face at this point. will had set down bags of food, and taken a chair to move it right next to stephen.
"i love you."
"i love yo-"
"no. i have feelings for you, will."
stephen didn't fucking dare look into wills eyes, no matter how gorgeous they were.
"that's good."
"what do you mean?"
"cause i have feelings for you too."
"no you don't."
"you're lying. you're saying that to make me feel better."
will leaned over and kissed stephen, gently and softly.
"and what about that then?"
"i- i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i've liked you for so long. three years will. three years. i was terrified you'd hate me."
he finally looked up, and stephen had never seen will look so gorgeous.
"it's okay. i'm sorry it took so long. i love you so much. no matter what, we're gonna get through this. the three of us, isn't that right daisy? but, on a serious note, you mean the world to me. i'd do anything for you sweetheart."
stephen blushed deeply, nuzzling into wills chest.
"what did you find to eat?"
"i have loads of stuff, and i remembered fruit for you cause i remember you craving it a couple of days ago."
"oh will, thank you so much. did you remember dog food?"
"yep, i always do."
daisy barked right on queue, and the pair laughed.
"can we take daisy for a walk?"
"i'm sure she'd love that."

holding hands, the couple ventured out to the silent london. it was beautiful, but scarily dull at the same time. no cars, no people, no noise, just wind whistling through the trees. but they had decorated it, with finding an endless amount of spray paint, they had decorated london's grey buildings and now it looked like a children's mind. paintings of different scenes and dreams, it made it much easier to cope with. will always told stephen how incredible his artwork was, but he never believed it.
lots of times the pair would go on little dates, well that's what stephen thought of them as- and use the sides of buildings to draw whatever they wanted, sometimes it'd be eachother, their favourite things, places, whatever was on their mind. one time they decided on portraits of eachother, and they kept them up on the walls, as both of their attempted were pathetic.

stephen shivered a little, clinging onto wills arm as daisy ran about and sniffed where she pleased.
"you cold love?"
stephen loved that nickname.
"just a little. i'm okay though."

"o-oh fuck- will,"
stephen whined out. will had pushed them into an alleyway, for no need seeing as there was no one to watch. will was currently biting down on stephens neck.
stephen squirmed under will, pleasure and pain flooding into one.

but what they didn't know was that someone was watching. very closely. something bad is going to happen. soon.

uh oh

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