Chapter 3

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“Wait, Bin Hyun? I need to know where my locker is, you know in the class and I need some help,” he asked you, his hands grabbing your sleeves.

“Okay! Since I am out so soon, I am feeling great so I will help you only if you skip school with me,”I said as I carried half of the stack of books.

Time skip

“I want this, this and this, you pay okay,” there was about 5 different snacks on the counter and Guan Lin just paid it without hesitating,

,,Hey Ji Hyun, your new friend is rich, maybe I will have fun with this one too” I hope she is seeing me from up there.

It is unfair. Someone like her who has no idea what we went through, only knowing she has suffered. She does not have to keep the memory, the pain. That’s why she would not argue with us and that is her weakness.

Start flashback

The dark basement is common to my past.The cold floor was my memories. My childhood was something that no child ever faced.

"ding dong" the sound of the clock, indicating the time to be 12 midnight. The kid beside me stood up.

"I have to go.Appa will be mad if I stay here....Good night Jin Hyun~ah, I'll make sure I will come back here at the same time, 10 pm like we promise," he said while walking towards the door.

"must you g-"The door opened suddenly, interrupting my question to the boy.

A silhouette appears blocking the bright light. The silhouette was holding a long cane. The boy got onto his knees instantly while rubbing his hand together.(gesture for asking for forgiveness)

"I'm sorry. Please don't beat her. It's my fault. Appa...Appa...I'm sorry. I'm sorry appa...It's my fault appa..." He continuously pleaded.

That did not stop the silhouette as he pushed the boy aside and started caning Nam Bin Hyun. The boy continuously protects the girl by hugging her....

End of flashback

Everytime she is in pain, I am there. I am her protector, the ultimate one. I handle her pain while she enjoys her life, that is my job and at least I can make it better for myself.

“Haha bitch, you thought you had the longest time huh, well I am back and- we’re on a date?’ I said as I looked at the boy walking out of the store.

“Hey bro, let’s hang at the rooftop okay, and give me those snacks, seriously, she really is bullying you,” I said as I helped him carry the snacks.

“Bin Hyun, I am just wondering, is it normal in korea-”

“Dude I have a feeling that you’re gonna stay for a long time so I am gonna tell you this okay, I am Jihoon, Lee Jihoon, and I am unfortunately the only boy in the system,"

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