Chapter 4

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“Seriously I am confused, like your name is changing and your personality too, now what system? I am wondering, are you messing with me?” he looked cute, ahh now i know why Bin Hyun is keeping him around.

“Listen, I’ll explain this once and I expect no pity, understand? We have dissociative personality disorder or otherwise called multiple personality disorder. It is when your brain contains memory gaps and these memory gaps are kept in different personalities. Like each of us have our own identity and names, background,” I continued to explain to him and then I went home.

After searching for my own clothes in Ji Hyun's closet, I managed to find three bottles of liquor, it was weird. I thought the girl never drank or maybe it is Bin hyun’s or Ji Hyo’s one.

“Hais Ji Hyun! I thought I told you not to drink anymore? I don’t know why you are drinking but you can just talk to me inste-”

“Ahjumma, I’m sorry but please go away. I don’t think you of all people should act like my parents,” I scoffed and made my way to the room.

Time skipped

I woke up from the alarm and I immediately looked around for traces. I saw that I was wearing Jihoon clothes and that is all I could find. I quickly get ready and meet my mother downstairs only for her to be shocked at my appearance.

“Ji Hyun, I am just wondering, yesterday is a dream right? You are just drunk right?” my mother asked in the middle of breakfast.

I have no idea. What was I doing? What did I say? Did I hurt anyone?

“Hey, you’re Ji Hyun I supposed,” Guan Lin asked me as he places his bag down.

I stared wide at him. Who told him? Did he find out?

“Why? Did I suddenly change my name?” I asked hopefully not sounding too obvious. Part of me hoping he will not figure it out.

“No need to lie, I heard it from Jihoon, We’re like bestie now i guess,”

I rolled my eyes. How many times do I need to remind them. It is dangerous to just tell anyone. They might leave me or- or-

“Hey, Hey I think it's fine, now I have 5 new friends,” he says excitedly and I immediately melt. How is he this kind and looks so cute too.

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