Chapter 5

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I entered the room and my regular psychiatrist sat behind a table. The room was adequately decorated. There were many comfortable chairs for me to sit down on and I chose the chair that was the closest to her table.

“Ji Hyun, how is it so far?” she asked as she smiled slightly.

“I think they are coming out more often, and there have been a lot more switches,” I said, my eyes staring at her nameplate.

“Are there any new changes in your life?”

Time skipped

As I made my way home, I saw a few high-end cars parked outside my very not high-end neighbourhood, all lined up in a line. Strangely, I did not mind it and went into my house. Well maybe I should’ve minded a bit more because now I am seeing many tuxedo wearing men in my house. Did my mother owe some mafia money?

"Oh, Ji Hyun, you're finally home. Go change your clothes. We are heading somewhere," She said as I walked in.

I nodded my head and went towards my room. I quickly put on formal clothes and headed back to the living room. The man then ushered us towards the car I saw outside.

We then arrived at a very big mansion. The gates were painted with gold paint.It looked so flawless that you might have thought it was real gold. The gates opened revealed a very long route leading towards a big mansion.

As we walked out of the car,we saw the entryway filled with men wearing tuxedos in a whole entire straight line.

"Good afternoon ma'am and miss," a man nearest to the front row greeted and bowed. I eyed all the men standing and I actually believed it is a huge prank,

"This way,"he said again after a few seconds.He then walked ahead leading us through halls and staircases.

We passed by room after room and finally we found ourselves in front of a large big door. The door was knocked by the man that led us here.

"Sir,they are here,"he said.

The aforementioned then replied with a 'come in'. The man then opened the door and ushered us to step in.He greeted a man and left the room. The man was in his late 70s or 80s and was sitting behind a table.The mahogany table was filled with papers in thick stacks. In the middle of the room lay couches. He gestured to my mother and me to sit.

"I guess this is my granddaughter, Ji Hyun. Let me tell you a story. You were born without me knowing anything. Your father figured out she was doing things behind my back. He came back from overseas and then he saw you. She claimed that you are his daughter. Anyways behind his back she tried to find your true father but failed. That guy fled away without her knowing. He was afraid that your father knew about his affair with your mother. She dislikes you afterwards as you reminded her of that guy. Long story short, she left you with her," he said as he pointed to your thought to be a mother.

The story was a miss, there is definitely something going on and this is a huge change in your life. Is your psychiatrist a psychic? How did she know about this?

"Unfortunately, I'm running out of heirs to take over my place. I have no choice but to have you. Will you come and live in the mansion and thus become the next heir to the company?"he continued.

I was utterly shocked as I looked at my now adopted mother?

“I don’t know what to say but why did no one tell me about this?” my breathing was becoming irregular as I tried to get myself together. Suddenly,memories filled my head. I held it as pain seeped through, giving me a headache.

Start Flashback

A piano sound.A child playing.The child hit the wrong note.The child straight away went on his knees.

"Sorry Appa....sorry Appa....i did not mean to....beat me instead...beat me instead...i'm sorry was at fault....please forgive me appa,"he constantly plead his sleeve furiously rubbing his tear.He constantly plead while he pulled at his father's shirt.

The child's father pushed his child aside and walked towards somebody.

What is this?When is this?The child's father looked similar but who?

The child ran towards his father and pulled his father's shirt hoping to stop him.However,the strength was useless to the adult.He continued walking and stopped in front of a child.The child was a girl.

End flashback

I did not realise I was sobbing in the middle of the conversation.This was never in my memory. My mother said that my childhood memory was erased due to some accident as a child, was this part of it?

"Are you okay Ji Hyun?" my mother questioned.

"Very well then, tell me once you're done being shocked,I'll be waiting for your answer.You may leave now,"he said.

I just looked at him and my adoptive mother.My adoptive mother greets him and took me out of the room.We left the house.

"Jin Hyun~ah,I'm sorry but I want to tell you when it's the right time to.I am just afraid that you will be angry at me.I took advantage of your memory lost and kept you away from knowing that your real mother died.Now everything is revealed.Will that made you feel better?Or should I kneel down to make you forgive me?"my adoptive mother said.

"Eomma, it's ok eomma.I was mad but there's nothing we can do right?Isn't it the past.Forget about it eomma,I'll just figure it out.Now tell me if you want me to take that offer,"I said back to her.

"Nevermind let's talk about it tomorrow, you might want to have a rest today after all of this ordeal," she said to me with a small smile plastered on her face. "Now let's go home,"

I walked ahead of her.

Under her breath she said "I'm also sorry, Min Ju for by standing by when he became a monster to your child,"

"Mom are you coming?"I called.

"Yes!"she said after me.

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