Chapter 19

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"What do you mean?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Make sure you don't refuse my help after this..." he said.

He assured me of my agreement and replied to my question.

"Well I was the small boy you talk about I think. Maybe this is good. We can both share our experiences and I think you will be able to heal, with all the pieces fitting together," he said.

"But Guan Lin, I heard that you have lost your childhood memory and recovering it will only hurt you," I said.

"Trust me. I promise that I'll help you so I will go to that extent," he said.

I was clearly worried and anxious from his statement. I guess it showed on my face as he proceeded.

"I don't know if you saw or heard but I'm your boyfriend now. I love you dearly ,all 5 of you. So let me have a chance to do something for you," he let out.

Our eyes grazed at each other for sometime. His face reassured me to trust him. He smiled as I gave a small nod. His dimple was showing as the smile took place. We agreed on meeting the psychiatrist the next morning to share our experiences.I just hope he would not get hurt from this.


Guan Lin invited me to walk with him to school. I changed into a blue hoodie and denim shorts. Guan Lin matched my hoodie with ripped jeans. While we were walking to the school he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I looked at him shocked and flustered.

"Yah! Why do you look at me like that? I'm your boyfriend aren't I?" he questioned.

I was surprised. I have never experienced dating someone unlike others. Even Angel has someone she used to like. Well, Bin Hyun has only used boys and obviously she has a bunch of dating experience. What can I say about the twins? They probably have dated all their life.

Well I have not dated before so...

"Yah! Ji Hyun you ok?"he asked as he waved his free hands in front of my face.

I nodded quickly and continued walking. No way is he going to see my red face. I’m not new to love, obviously holding hands is normal. We reached the school and a lot of girls glared at me. Some of the glares were so intense that they could kill me.

I noticed that the glares died down and saw that Guan Lin was glaring at all the girls back with the same intensity.

He waved me off to get to our lockers. I opened my locker to get my things and I heard a few girls whispering.

"Why don't the Queenkas of our school teach her a lesson?"

"Don't you know? They came back getting broken limbs and bruises. Apparently she beat them back,"

"Doesn't that mean she will be a Queenkas of our school?"

I decided to stop eavesdropping.

Suddenly, my locker was slammed shut. I looked and saw the girls that dragged me to the toilet. I was scared inside but kept a cool face.

"Congratulations on dating Lai Guan Lin! But the important thing is do you want to be a queenka?" their ring leader asked.

I heard a bunch of girls whispering to the comment.

"Nope?" I replied with a straight face.

The girls behind her wanted to throw a punch but the ring leader stopped them.

"We are in front of the crowd," I heard her whisper under her breath.

"Very well then, think about it, no pressure," she said to me.

"Don't you dare refuse or we'll kill you," she said quietly to me making sure no one heard.

"No thanks, I'm fine to not be in this plastic people group," I said with a smirk. The girls stopped in shock as I walked away.


I brought Guan Lin along with me to the psychiatrist department. As usual the lady at the front desk recognized me and led me to my doctor's room.

"Doctor Kang, I brought someone who has a relation to my past," I said as I introduced Guan Lin.

Guan Lin went first and I waited outside. After that it was my turn.

"I brought something that has a relation to the Park family company you mentioned," she said.

"There's one major event that happened 9 years ago. This is an article I found," she continued as she passed me a folder that contained an article.

Park Family Disastrous Celebration

The Park family was having a celebration to welcome the new year. The celebration was also held to show the new generation of the Park family that was introduced to Mr Park Seo Won three years ago after his trip to Taiwan. However, the celebration ended in disaster.

Just yesterday the Park family CEO,Mr Park Seo Won, fell down the stairs of the Park's mansion. It is said to have occurred in the middle of the celebration before the new generation was introduced. The incident shows clues of someone committing the act and was not an accident.

Luckily the incident was not as disastrous as Mr Park Seo Won still survived and was now still in a coma. We hope for quick recovery and for the culprit to be found if there is one.

"I find it weird. This article was very hard to find and my informant stated that this article was kept confidential and was not published by the Park Family," she said.

Start flashback:

Tick tock tick tock

The toy train moved on the track.

"Wait here Jin Hyun. I will make sure we escape from here. For now I need to go,"

"Isn't it too early?"

"I need to if not Dad will come and you will get hurt,"

"okay, bye friend,"

"Bye. I'll make sure I come tomorrow,"

The bright light

The same silhouette.

The same pain.

The cries.

"You are just like your mother,"

"You don't deserve to play with him,"

End of Flashback:

Bin Hyun Pov

I woke up and saw the old woman sitting in front of me. She looked at me.

"Bin Hyun if you want to talk to me then talk but if you don't want to then go out and meet your long ago friend,"

"What do you mean?"

"Yes that friend from 11 years ago he is outside,"

I walked out straight away and saw Guan Lin waiting  for me.

"Bin Hyun!" he called out.

I looked at him and I immediately broke down .The same boy that suffered with me, his standing here all this time. I felt sorry for not realising it sooner.

Boldly he stepped in front and pulled me close.

"Guan Lin I'm sorry for not recognizing you,"

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