Extra chapter

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Well you can skip but if you want to continue this is on the smaller scenes that weren't shown

When dance battle was going on

Lai Guan Lin pov

I got drop off by Jihoon and found myself in a place full of people.However, a crowd gotten my attention.I went towards it and heard a rap battle that was about to going on.

I pushed people aside and found myself at the front of the circle.

Infront stayed two people glaring at each other.I cannot make out their faces because they wore caps that illuminates shadows.One of them have long hair.I assume it was a girl.

Suddenly a beat came on and the guy started rapping.Spewing out disses to the other.He stayed on beat and was good.

The girl was also good at it.Spitting out stronger disses.They continued and the guy won eventually.They take of their caps and greeted each other with a fist bump.

I was shocked obviously to see that the girl was not a girl but a man with silk hair.

A/n:You know who this is?Guess...

I was even more shocked that I saw my hyung there.The two guys separated with the crowd.

I walked towards my hyung which were heading to a bigger group consisting of 7 people I know.

"Kang Daniel!You did great job out there,"The oldest, Yoo Jisung said.

"Holl up.Why are you guys here,"I said out as I got closer to them.

"Guan Lin?"Hwang Minhyun questioned.

"Yah Guan Lin!What you doing here?"Lee Daehwi asked.

"Someone introduced this place to me but where's Park Jihoon hyung?"I said.

"Dancing site.We going there afterwards but Woojin and Daniel have a battle first with another duo,"Seong wu said.

"Take my place,I know you will do great,I've coach you alot,"Daniel said.

I nodded and Woojin shake his hand with mine.

When Guan Lim meet 10 members

Lai Guan Lin pov

I had detention for coming late to class.Well is not my fault that a thousand girls was confessing to me.Batting their eyelashes to flirt and blushing so profusely that they take time to talk.Well I do not want to be rude so I wait for them to finish before I go.

I stand infront of the door.Part of me is saying go be friend with the bad asses in the room and the other part said stay away from them.

I went inside the room to see one guy with pink hair.He looked up to me and smile.Well too bad there's no bad asses.

"Hi I'm Kang Daniel,you?"he said as he extended his arm.

"Lai Guan Lin,"I replied.

"Wow why you got detention?"I asked clearly cause his nice.

"A bunch of letters spilled out of my locker.I just left it there as it was meant to be thrown anyway.Well the teacher thought I was littering so yeah,"he said to me.

"That's unfair.Well same thing-"

We began talking about our hobbies.I met his friends and they have been so caring.I love them alot.

Mortorcycle transferred

Nam Bin Hyun pov

A/n:After shouting at the maid

I found myself out of the stupid house.I made my way to my old house.I entered the gate and saw her fake mother.

"Jin Hyun what you doing here?"

"Nothing that need your concerned,"

As I moved pass her to the storage house.I opened it and see my baby standing there.I collect my helmet and place them on the helmet holder.

I also opened a safe at the corner of the storage room hidden with pile of pails.Inside was my baby's keys and weapons of all sort.

Grabbed my favourite guns and knives.I left a few behind for future needs.It's been so long since I see them.

Put everything inside the box attached to my motorcycle.(Idk what they called)

Bring her out,closed the doors of the room,got on and drove passed my shocked mother and reached the mansion.

I hide my baby and entered the mansion and headed to my room.

Yes it's Jang Moonbuk I mean is obvious since the start video.Anyway since it's Christmas this is an extra chapter to fill in the gaps.

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