Model AU

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This is my model AU for an upcoming fic. I hope it's pretty understandable haha

After many generation of war, Cybertron is finally at a "stable" state. Decepticons had conquered Cybertron. Starscream is the leader. Megatron, Galvatron and Optimus Prime are no longer existing beings within the universe, or so they though.

Older generations of Transformers are ashamed of this generation because it closely resembles human traditions. Everything is materialized and commercially controlled. Especially in the modeling industry. A modeling industry just by itself gets the old timers riled up.

Seekers: Unlike before, they aren't used for assistance, or look down upon. Seekers are now considered the upper class of Cybertron. Speaking of Cybertron, Starscream is the leader. He overruled Galvatron, making every decepticon know that he is the best for the fittest. That being said, Starscream made every Seeker on Cybertron the best.
    Seekers are in the model industry no matter what. Instead of preparing for war, they are being prepared to model. Which sounds less intimidating, but that's how it is. Grounders, both con and bot admire seekers, especially with their "exotic" frames. The one rule Seekers can't do, is become sparkmates with a grounder, Seekers have their own trine.
Seekers are also not allowed to be pleasure bots whether it's in a industry, or for money. If one takes part in either, they will be discriminated by other seekers. Even if they were forced into working as pleasure bots, other seekers will continue to shame them. Seekers who became pleasure bots are shamed because they show weakness and unable to make a stand for themselves.

Grounders (Con and Bot): After the wars, there's still remaining tension between the two, but Starscream as leader made a way for them to coexist, only because he wanted more beings to control, and more beings to see him as a leader.
    Decepticons are still a higher being than Autobots, but are inferior to Seekers. Let's say they're middle class, and the bots are Lower class. Bots can do the exact same thing as Cons, but they're usually the ones who get bullied and picked on by the cons.

Primes: A Prime continues to exist, Rodimus Prime. Rodimus is not apart of Starscream's entourage. Rodimus and his friends are hiding out somewhere on Cybertron. At this point in time, modern and old cybertronians think he his offline, some even think he's a myth. But, they're are some who still believe that the Prime is online, and will show his faceplate once again, and perhaps win back Cybertron for the greater good.

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