Chapter 17

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I stand there impassive with frozen legs, gaping at both of them.

who is she? why is she holding his arm? But she is beautiful. Maybe she is his girlfriend.

No! Harry!

My eyes are locked on them. I'm holding my breath because I'm afraid if I let go I'll faint.

Bridget waves at me but I'm too lost to wave back. She walks over to me.

" Hello, you there?" she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"yeah! sorry I was just mm..." I gather myself together. My eyes are still at Harry who hasn't noticed me yet standing at the classroom door.

"C'mon" Bridget locks her arm aroung mine and drags me in.

"Hey stranger!" Liam takes me into a hug.

"Hi" I say managing a smile.

" Hey! Av " Harry turns to look at me.

" wow. you look pretty"

" uh Thanks." I Flush.

oh now you see me. I've been standing here for the last 2 minutes!

"This is Emma and Emma this is Aviana." He introduces the pretty brunette.

" Hi." She holds out her hand.

I shake it hesitantly. "Hi"

After our brief introduction, too brief, she turns back her attention to Harry. What the hell? Your sitting in my place!

I turn crimson red with anger but I hold myself and sit behind Bridget and Liam.

Students start entering the classroom and at the end Mr. Witherspoon.

He starts teaching. Ughhh.. I can't concentrate because she is sitting in my Place. Nooh! Harry!

Class has ended and I've not written a sing word in my notebook. I am lost in my thoughts. Does he even remember that hes coming home today in the evening? Has he forgotten? Is he going to spend time with her? Does he like her?

So many questions going in my mind at once.

I take my head between my hands and close my eyes. He wasn't yours to claim. She is prettier than you. C'mon look at her and look at you.

Ah...I agree with my subconscious

"Hungry?" Bridget says interrupting my thoughts.

" No. Not really" I murmur biting my lower lip.

"I know whats eating you" she puts her hand on mine. you do? oh no..Please don't say anything. I mad already.

I give her No-I'm-fine look.

"Get up. you gotta eat. Lets move Carson. Chop chop." She takes my hand and drags me out of my seat.

uhh.. I can never say no to this girl.

We enter the canteen and I gaze around to see if Harry is with EMMA.

yes. He is sitting with her again.

Tell her. Tell her to get hwr hands off of him. No I can't!

I see Niall , Louis , Liam and zayn are sitting there as well but Harrys attention is on her.

"Hey guyzzz" Bridget puts her hand on Louis's shoulder.But Louis ignores her and continue talking.

"Boobear?" She trys to tickle him.

"Bridget I'm talking. No one messes with swag masta!"

" Alright" She holds her hands up in defence. I giggle.

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