Chapter 18

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My coffee and toast arives after few minutes. I am famished.

Hot Americano finally opens my mind and I feel fresh. I take a deep breath and check my phone. There is a message from Niall and a voice mail. Is everything okay?

*Where are you? *

Voice mail: Av you remember our practice for the fest? where are you? call me ASAP!

ohh shit! I totally forgot about the fest. Dammit!

I finish my coffee quickly.

I should say sorry to Niall for ditching him for practice but Harry is coming I can't miss that.

I pick up my phone to text Niall.

As I'm about to type I hear a familiar voice. I look up to see.

Damn. Its Harry and Emma walking into the café. I hide my face with my hand, leave the money under my cup and take my satchel. I start walking towards the door praying to get out of there without them seeing me.

I pull the door and sigh in relief. oh thank god.

"Hey! Av?" Somebody calls me from behind. I stop immediately and hold my breath. No! No! I can't do this.

I slowly turn around and see Harry and Emma walking over to me.

" Hi. You guys. What Are you doing here.?" I say in an animated squeak.

"We came to grab a coffee." Emma answers moving her hand around the café. obviously. it's a café!

"Of course you did. I mean it says costa coffee right there." I point at the title board. Smiling forcefully.

Harry likes her. I don't blame her. She's beautiful and she knows Harry since what.. well probably longer than me. I'm sure.

"I was about to call you ,Harry" I bite my lip.

" Oh.?"

" I don't think we can do the evening today. umm.. I have to practice with Niall for the fest. I'm sorry I should have told you yesterday but I forgot."

I not for once look him in the eyes. Good. Keep going.

"Oh. I thought... we could have finished it today." He sounds disappointed.

Really? Is he?

"i'm sorry. But you guys have a nice evening. " I assume.

Before he could say another word I bolt out of the coffee house.

When I'm far enough I release my breath and drink my tears . No. Don't cry here Carson. Not in the middle of a road.

I pull out my phone and call Niall.

I take a deep breath. phooo.

" Hey. where are you? you okay?" Niall sounds worried.

" Yeah. I'm fine. What would happen to me." I reply confused.

" You didn't reply my message or call. I was worried"

" I'm really sorry Niall. I totally forgot about our practice. Can that happen now?"

"Yeah. We still have university Auditorium for 1 more hour to ourselves. "

" Great! I'll be there in 5 "

" Cool."

" kay" I hang up.

Lost in my sad, sad thoughts I reach the University. It's quite. Everybody is home idiot. oh right.

I show the guard my ID and make for the auditorium.

When I reach the door I hear somebody singing.

"You don't know your beautiful oh ow thats what makes you beautiful"

It is sweet voice with Acoustic guitar. It is some guy. I peek to see. I see a blond haired boy holding a guitar. I only see his back.

"Hello?" I say quietly though my voice echos through the walls of empty hall.

" Av!" Niall turns around.

"Niall?!" I am astonished.

" Heyyy" He pulls me into a hug.

" That I've heard you before but this was just...upclose and wowed me totally" I hold him at arms length.

He flushes.

He looks so pretty when he flushes.

" Here, I've written a song for the fest if you wanna hear" he hands a sheet.

" You did!? wow. how long have been writing this?" I start reading them.

"A week." He says simply.

" A love song?" I look at him.

" Yeah. I wanted to do this before we leave." He looks at the floor.

"Leave!?" I look at him with my eyes wide open.

"Yeah, our tour is kicking off in about. .a month. " He says casually.

I give him When-The-Fuck-Did-That-Happen look.

"Nobody told you?" He gives me the same reaction.

" No." I whisper. I shut my eyes close to stop the tears from falling down my face.

They are leaving? But...But...

You had your chance and you missed it.

"Av , you alright? " he puts his hand on my shoulder.

I turn away and wipe my eyes. "Yeah. I'm fine. Absolutely fine. Lets hear your song"

It is the best distraction right now. I don't wanna cry in front of Niall.

"Okay. It goes like this... On a beautiful sunny day...." He starts stroking the guitar strings up and down.

It is such a beautiful song. I let tears fall down my face because it is a beautiful song and they are leaving in a month and Harry totally ignored me today and Emma and...I'm so frustrated.

I sob quietly and wipe my nose with the back of my hand.

"Hey, what happened?" Niall stops playing.

" Nothing. It just...this song is so beautiful. I love it" I manage a smile.

" Well, thanks Av " He hugs me tightly. I feel warm.

I pat his back, " Well done Horan"

"Now , Sing with me" He releases me.

" I can't...I " I stutter

"C'mon Av Sing with me?!" He rolls his lower lip forward.

"Okay. Gee!" I agree.

He starts playing and I sing along.

Trying to catch up at every verse but I manage.

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