Chapter 29

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How do I tell him to get out?

"Umm Harry?" I say quietly.

"Hmmm?" He says not moving his eyes from the phone screen.

" Can you hand me my towel and clothes? " I whisper.

He looks up at me and grins.

" Why don't you come and get them yourself ?" His lips quirk up in a smile.

Hmm ,Styles being cheeky.  I love it!

"You know I can't. " I hiss.

" Harry? Please! I'm wet!" I scold him.

"Fine." He rolls his eyes and grabs my towel and clothes and walk towards the bathroom door.

I shift behind the bathroom door hiding my naked body from him. I put out my hand and he puts them in my hand.

" Thanks." I flap my eyeslashes at him.

I quickly dry myself and put on my clothes.

I step outside the bathroom.

" How about you pick the dinning place today? " He leans back on the bed.

" Why?" I ask as I put my eyeliner.

"Because you used to live here. You know better than me." He folds his arm behind his head not moving his eyes from me.

"Well, I know a place but its quite far." I say putting on my lip gloss.

"How far?" He asks.

" About an hour." I turn towards him.

" Till what time is it open?" He says looking at his watch.

"Its open till late night. It closes around 12." I sit on the bed beside him.

"Then I guess we can go." He sits up.

" Where are we going? " He tugs a tress of my hair behind my ear.

"Somewhere on Melrose Avenue."

I grin.

" Okay. Lets go." He takes my hand and we walk out of the house to the car. He says something to the driver. I couldn't hear it.

As we are on our way to Melrose Ave. Harry asks me, " Did you used to go to this place often?"

"Yeah. You can say it was my get away. It was the only place I felt safe except for my own house." I stare in his eyes. They are wet and green and shiny.

why is he so damn hamdsome?!

He takes my hand in his and kisses it.

After an hour we reach The Melrose Avenue.

" Park it right there" I points to the curb.

" Come on! " I grab Harry's hand as he gets out of the car.

I walk so fast literally dragging Harry. He trys to catch up to my pace.

I stop outside the Gusto Dinners.

My smile widens as I open the door.

Everything is the same. The paint , the smell, the chairs, the tables. I feel like I'm home.

" Cheese balls?" I hear someone call me.

I turn around. "Marcel!" I launch at him and he catches me. Tears fall down my cheeks. I'm seeing him after such a long time.

" What are you doing here?!" He takes my head between his hands.

"I came...I...Oh god! " I hug him again.

Curse // H.S {Editing}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें