Chapter 31

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I am pacing back and forth waiting for Emma to come down. After two minutes she finally steps down.

"Here. Got it" she says curling the wire around the handle.

" You should take care of your things " I say folding my hands.

" I'll be careful next time." She says with absolutely straight face.

" See ya." She puts her sunglasses and walks out.

Uggh I hope I never see you again.

I really don't like her.

I lie on the couch, cover my eyes with my arms and drift into sleep. Dreaming about how to keep Emma away from Harry.

"I am back!" Harry sings as I open my eyes and yawn.

" I'm here. " I wave from the couch.

" Hey! sleepy head." He leans on the couch.  " Get ready, we're going to the beach. " He grins.

" Beach?!" I sit up instantly.

" Yes. " He giggles.

I am so excited to go to the beach!

But I  want to ask him about Emma.

Why does she keep showing up?!

I get up and climb two stairs. " Oh, and Emma stopped by." I say smiling sarcastically.

" Emma? Why? " He is confused.

" Apparently she forgot her hairdryer last time she stayed here." My voice is offensive.

Before he can say anything I climb up hastly. I don't wanna talk about her.uggh!

I put my sunblock and towel in my Bag pack. I put my hair in a pony tail, wear my bikini and denim shots over it. I wear a see-through net top. My Converse and I'm ready.

I hop down the stairs and see Harry sitting on the couch.

"I'm ready." I say with a pocker face and make for the car.

"Hey." Harry grabs my wrist just as I'm about to open the door.

" What?" I roll my eyes at him.

" Don't be like that." His voice is soft.

" Don't be like what?" I open the passenger door and slide in. Harry goes the other way round and slide in beside me in the driver's seat.

No driver today huh?

" Angry! " He tries to whisper.

" I'm not angry, Harry,  I am just...Forget it." I look out of the window.

well, I am angry, aren't I?

" Hey,Tell me please. I want this afternoon to be perfect." His voice is desperate.

ohh my Harry!

" What is your relationship with Emma?" My voice is hopeful, Hopeful to hear what I want to hear.

" Emma is just a friend!" He smiles.

" Did you ever date her? " There is not a hint of smile on my lips.

" Yes but that was 2 years ago. We are just friends. What makes you think we have something between us? " He asks starting the car.

"I've seen the way she looks at you, talks to you,  behaves around you. she definitely likes you." There, I said it!

He laughs. whats so funny?!

" She doesn't like me Av. We are just friends like , you and Marcel." He jeers

Curse // H.S {Editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang