Chapter 43

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"Oh my god! She's beautiful!"

Finally my car is here! She is amazing! I know most people would not adore it as it's not as girl-ish but its the only one I can afford, well, my mom can afford.

"Honey, are you sure you want to drive this to your college?"

Oh mom. Always so concerned .

"Yup. I'm ready! I was waiting to do that."

"But you haven't driven a car for a year."

"Let me get my hands on it. I am sure I can do this mom."

"I don't know.."

"Please, don't worry. I might stumble a bit but I won't die. I promise." I laugh as I see a hint of smile on my mother's lips. Oh yes!

I think I know how to start a car. Errr...

"oh my god! Av!" Bridget runs towards me as she sees me parking my brand new car in the parking lot.

"Isn't she amazing?!" I squeal a I turn the engine off.

"Well, not so amazing but you have car! Congratulations!"

Ugh. She is rich. She must have like, 5 Mercedes or something.

I shrug and give a restricted smile.

As Bridget and I enter the classroom I see Harry sitting in his usual place but he is sucked in, in his phone. He is smiling at his screen. He is dressed in a black T-shirt. Simple black but looks so good on him. I can hear cupid singing in my ear. My eyes are dreamy and I'm melting. Last nights naughty desires coming back. Bubbling inside me. I just wanna launch myself at him and drag him to my bedroom!

When did I get that brave?

"Hello?" Bridget snaps in front my face jerking me out of my delicious thoughts.


What to say?

Trying to control my naughty thoughts I sit next to Harry .

"Hey babe." He shifts his attention to me, kisses me, gently, chastely and then again goes back to his phone.

What is he doing?

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was just talking to Emma."

Emma? Even if she's not here she is here. Argh!

"Isn't it like late there?"

"Yeah. I was asking her about her first show. She says it was amazing and she met some pretty crazy people there."

Crazy? Yeah crazy like her.


Don't let her get to you. Don't let her get inside your head. She is not here. She can't ruin your mood. Breath....breath Carson, breath...

"How did you sleep last night?" I say as I want to change the subject.

"Not as good as I did in your bed." He smirks.

Oh yes! My Harry!

I blush in all possible shades of red. Damn! He slept good in my bed! Well done Carson!

"I like this colour on you." He strokes my cheek gently with his fist.

"And I like this T-shirt on you." I gently tug on the hem of his T-shirt.

As much as I wanna take this off of you!

"You do?" He whispers in ear as he brushes his lips gently against my ear lobe. It almost like he is answering my inner thoughts. He can read minds?!

As I'm processing through this little cheeky act of his Mr. Witherspoon enters.

"So, friends, I have organised a little test for you."

Test?! What?!

"Don't panic. It is due next week. I just want to tell the syllabus for this test. Modern english......"

Test? I'm not scared of no test, I mean I got admission in this college because of the scholarship I was awarded with. Since I'm the smart one in the family I can do this.

"I don't think I will be appearing for this test." Harry says to me.

"What? Why?"

"The tour. We leave next week."

Oh fuck! Yes! He has to leave! No I don't want to leave him! We just happened and he is leaving already?! No no no no!

"Yeah, the tour." I sigh and roll my eyes. He has to leave no matter how much I want him to stay. He's got a job to do. A pretty cool one though. Touring around the world, making millions of people happy.

He puts his hand on mine and gives a gentle squeeze. He knows I'm sad and I don't want him to leave, not just yet.

"I got my car today." I say not looking him in the eye but picking at my nails.

"Really?! That wonderful."

"My mom thought I was gonna end up in a hospital but I managed to drive till here." I giggle.

"I love that sound."

"What sound?"

"Your giggle." He leans forward ,pulls my chin up and kisses me.

"We are in a class Harry." I whisper, softly, taking in his breath.

"I don't care." He whispers against my lips.

Oh god! What he does to me?!

Fortunately we are not caught or so I thought.

"You guys really gotta get a room." Bridget says leaning behind, between me and Harry.

I flush.


"Hey! Aviana." Leanette greets me as I open the cafe door.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Somebody left this for you here." She hands me a box. It's of moderate size.

"Who sent this?" I ask.

"I don't know. It was left here about an hour ago. I thought you know who sent this?"

"I don't know. There's no...." And then it hits me. Box, with no a name on it. It's his M.O! I turn pale.

I quickly open it. I see Leanettes face. She is also very curious to see what's inside this box. There's an envelope and a tape recorder but it's not empty. It has a tape in it. I hit play and some boys sing,

"Now I'm in your room

And I'm in your bed

And I'm in your life

And I'm in your head

Like the CIA

Or the FBI

You'll never get close

Never take me alive

I'm the invisible man

I'm the invisible man

Incredible how you can

See right through me

I'm the invisible man

I'm the invisible man

It's criminal how I can

See right through you,"

Shit! Oh god! He is everywhere! He is watching me, my every step . What am I gonna do now?!

(A/N : The song is by English rock band Queen and it's called The Invisible man. Xx.)

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