Chapter 1

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Alyssa's POV

Hey I'm Alyssa Grier I live in North Carolin with my parents,two brothers,and my half sister. I am a twin with my brother Nash he is older by 20 minutes,then there is Hayes he is 10,and Skylann who is 2. I'm 13 in competition cheerleading and love to sing. Right now I'm getting ready for cheerleading practice. I had my grey Nike sports bra with my black and white shorts on and my hair in a messy bun. I put on my watermelon socks on and slipped in a pair of my VANS. I ran downstairs and grad a water bottle out and wait for my mom to hurry. See she rushed me yet she is running late and I'm going to be late for cheer.

"Mom come on." I yelled up the stairs and in no time she was ready and we were on our way to the gym. Once we pulled up I kissed my mom's cheek and ran in.

"Be back by 8 love you." She yelled and I waves and walked in. As usual couch was smiling at me and practice was still not for another ten minutes.

"Hey just go do your stretches." Couch said and I walked over to where are practice was because the varsity team was practicing too. I noticed a girl with brown hair stretching over where we practice,so I walked over and sat with her.

"Hey you must be new. I'm Alyssa." I said sticking my hand out for her to shake.

"Hey I'm Eleanor." She said shacking my hand. She had on a black Nike sports bra with blue and purple splashed shorts. Her brown hair was pulled into a messy bun and she had Puma socks on.

"Have you cheered before?" I asked as we continued stretching.

"Yeah at my old All Start gym I just moved here and it sucks because it's the middle of the school year." She said sliding into a split and stretching. "How about you?" She asked changing legs.

"I have been since I was 2." I said and seen a girl older then us walking over.

"Eleanor my practice gets out the same time yours does,so tell mom to wait and good luck." The girls said and Eleanor smiled at her and she left.

"Was that your sister?"I questioned and she smiled at me.

"Yeah that's my sister Diana she is 17. I have twin brothers and a little sister. My brothers names are Ethan and Greyson and my little sisters is Danielle." Eleanor said smiling as couch started this way. I did not notice more of the girls got here.

"Nice I have two brothers and a sister. Well I'm a twin and tue other twin is my brother Nash we're 13 ,Hayes is 10 he is my other brother,and Skylann is 2." I said and she smiled as we walked over towards couch.

"All right girls so today is weight day and we also got a new girl. Everyone say hi to Eleanor." Couch said and some girls hugged her by others waved. I forgot about weight day,I just hope I can still be a flyer. I was the first to go. I only gained a pound,so I'm still a flyer. Eleanor weighed the same as me,so she was a flyer too. "Every flyer partner with someone and I want you to stretch your poses by I get the other girls spots." Couch said and went to talk with the rest of the team. There are a total of 6 flyers on our team.

"Hey El want to be my partner ?"She smiled and we went over to where we stretched earlier. "First lets stretch our scorpion." I said and El nodded. We both pulled into our scorpion at the same time. She was really good,so I decided to test her with something only I can do,well I'm the only girl on our team that can unless El can. "How about a extended bow and arrow?"I asked and she nodded. I was surprised,but we both pulled into it perfectly fine. I gasped and called for couch.

"Eleanor can you please do that again?"Couch asked and she nodded pulling into it again. Couch smiled and walked back to the other girls.

"That's amazing we have been looking for someone besides me that could do that,so we could use it." Eleanor laughed and we continued.

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