Chapter 16

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Eleanor's POV

Today is Alyssa and Nash birthday and I'm debating on going or not because Nash and I broke up,but Lys is also my best friends. I feel like crap after he broke up with me he went through everything then just gave up. I don't know,but I still want to try with Nash. I got out of bed finally and got dressed getting ready to head to Lys house for the surprise party I helped her mom plain out. I walked downstairs to see Ethan doing God knows what he does.

"Um El I really need to tell you something."I looked at Grayson and followed him into the kitchen. I say and waited for him to talk.

"Ok Eleanor I know that this is not right,but I'm starting to have feelings for Lys and I don't know what to do." I starred at him shocked. I smiled at him and he gave me a weird look.

"Grayson thanks for telling me that. Lys had a boyfriends tho so don't try anything stupid." He smiled hugging me then went to get ready for the party. I'm glad my brother is starting to open up to me again.

~An Hour Later~

"Surprise." Lys smiled and I ran up giving her a huge hug. She went to go hug everyone else when I seen Nash. I walked over to him.

"Happy birthday." He smiled at me and just walked away. I frowned and went to find Lys. She was with Mason laughing I walked over and they smiled at me.

"Hey Eleanor um Jake said he wanted to talk to you about something later."I nodded and her mom called for everyone so we could have cake.

~2 Hours Later~

The party was really fun everyone was starting to leave because it was a school night. I bumped into Nash and pulled him to his room.

"Nash can we please try again? We can tell Lys,but please don't give up this easily on us." He just sighed and looked away.

"Eleanor no we can't do this we are ready have done so much and Lys has already been suspected something." I felt tears come down my face. Nash walked out the door and I went to go try and get him back before it was to late. I walked downstairs to see Nash kissing Lilly and I started crying harder. Lolly is the girl that has been bullying me since I moved here,but I never told Lys because Lys is friends with her. I found Lys and she gave me a weird look.

"Um I'm going to go I have to take my medicine and I'm really tired." She nodded hugging me and I started walking away when Jake stopped me.

"Hey Eleanor um I was wondering if maybe for New Years if you would like to go ice skating with me?" I smiled and nodded,but Jake kissed me.

"Um I'm sorry." He scratched the back of his head and I giggled.

"No it's ok. I was waiting for you to do that." He smiled and I kissed him walking away.

Alyssa's POV

I seen Jake and Eleanor kiss and I was really happy for those two. After Eleanor left so did Jake and basically everyone else. Mason has been so abusive and I'm starting to get bruises really bad. I walked upstairs to my room and someone covered my mouth. It was Mason and he started kissing me. I tried pulling away,but he kept squeezing my arms. He started taking off my clothes and I started crying.

"Mason stop I'm not ready for this." He didn't listen he just continued and I tried screaming,but he covered my mouth. I finally stopped fighting and he forced me to have sex with him.

Author's Note

Sorry it's short.

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