Chapter 14

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Alyssa's POV

~2 Months Later~

Eleanor is getting back to normal and today was her birthday then in two weeks was Christmas. I'm now dating Mason and I'm completely happy now that everything is getting back to normal. Well almost everything Nash leaves at random times and Eleanor is gone mostly all day when we don't have school. I get up getting dressed for school and when I walk downstairs and see a note from Nash.

I already left for school so don't wait for me. Have a great day


I just threw the note away grabbing my bag and walked over to Eleanor's house to walk with her because like I said it's her birthday. Before I knocked there was a note on the door for me.


Sorry I already left for school my mom took me to eat something for breakfast

Love Eleanor

I sighed turning and walked down the road to the school. I was trying to think why would they both be gone,but I already knew Eleanor didn't like Nash or does she? No I'm just thinking this because they're both gone right now. I got to school and seen Mason I walked over kissing him.

"Where is Nash and Eleanor?" I shrugged as we stared walking into the school we had gym. I walked into the locker room and Eleanor was there she had a black dress on getting ready to change clothes.

"Hey Eleanor." For the first time in months I could tell her smile was real and I would see life coming back to her eyes. It brought a tiny tear to my eye because I know my best friend is now starting to get back to normal.

~After Gym~

Mason was walking with me and Eleanor and next class Nash had with us and Eleanor seemed so joyful today. I mean I know today is her brithday,but she is never like this.

"Sorry guys I'll meet you in the next class I forgot my binder so I have to go get it." Before I could say anything she turned and started walking down the hall. I laughed and Mason laughed.

"She never changes." I laughed at his remark as we entered the class. It turns out we are getting new seats and I sit with Mason. I looked to find Nash,but he was no where to be seen and Eleanor was not came back yet. The bell rang then Nash and Eleanor both walked in panting and laughing.

"Why are you guys late?" Eleanor tried holding in her laughs as Nash answered.

"Well you see I was walking and Eleanor here was running down the hall so I decided to race her. We started running then stopped I told her this joke about teachers and threw her binder into the boys bathroom and told her to go get it. Then we ran down here." Eleanor burst led out laughing and the teacher glared as the whole class laughed.

"Nash you have lunch detention today and you Miss.Dolan your off the hook because it's your birthday. Now you two sit together in the back of the class." They nodded and giggled walking to class their seats. I gave Eleanor a weird look,but she pretended not to see it.

Eleanor's POV

I giggled as Nash and I whispered quietly in the back of the class. Only part of that story was true. We never raced or he never threw my binder into the bathroom. We were kissing when the bell rang do we started running to class. That whole class Nash kept making faces at me and the teacher didn't notice us talking. I walked out of the class when Lys and Mason stopped me and Nash.

"Ok give me a honest answer. Are you two dating?" I looked at Mason and Lys as Nash did to.

"No." We both said at the same time. Lys looked between us.

"Then why all of a sudden you guys are like best friends? It doesn't make sense." I just shrugged walking down the hall with them. Nash and I held hands when ever Lys was not looking.

~End Of School~

I was walking home with Lys,Nash,and Mason as I stopped walking.

"Hey guys I'm having a small Christmas party and you all are coming." They nodded and Lys and Mason kissed as he walked into his house and we continued walking to our houses. There was no words as we reached Lys's house.

"Um Lys I need to talk with Eleanor so I'm going to walk to her house with her." Lys looked unsure,but nodded walking in her house and shutting the door. Nash and I went up to my room and I locked my door throwing my bag on the floor. I smiled at Nash as he rested his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Eleanor I really love you,but Lys is starting to wonder about us." I frowned and he lifted my chin kissing me.

"I know." We kissed again as I fell into my bed and laughed. Nash fell on top of me and laughed kissing me. We kissed again turning into a make out. We know that we are not ready for sex yet,but we also know that we could. I pulled away panting and Nash laughed lying next to me.

"Happy birthday babe." He kissed me standing up. I gave him a confused look and he laughed.

"I told Lys I had to talk to you not make out with you. She is probably trying to figure out what we are talking about. Love you I'll see you tomorrow." I stud kissing him and walked downstairs with him. I kissed him one last time before closing the door. No one was home so I decided to watch some tv when someone unexpected showed up.


Author's Note

Hey guys hope you like this chapter. This book only haves 10 chapters left till it's ending. Love you all. Also if you like this book you should go get my new book called Other Side it's a Hayes Grier one.

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