Chapter 9

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Eleanor's POV

I wake up to my alarm going off I groan turning it off. School great and I'm pretty sure everyone knows about my visit to the hospital yesterday. I walk to my closet and pick out a mint color American Eagle shirt with an eagle on it and skinny jeans. I let my hair go in its natural state and do my makeup and put my boots on. I grab my bag and phone heading downstairs. Once I get down there just Greyson is down there and I groan.

"Eleanor here I made you eggs and toast." I just smiled and sat down eating. He smiled leaving the room and as soon as he did I threw it into the garbage. I unlocked my phone and seen I had a message from Tristan.

Hey Eleanor I miss you and my mon said she is willing to get you this weekend and bring you home too if you want to come

I almost screamed reading the message. I got up and ran to my moms room and jumped on the bed waking her.

"Eleanor honey I don't know why you are acting like this please stop?" I only handed her my phone and she smiled. I know what that means. I hugged her taking my phone and run back downstairs. I texted him back quickly and started walking towards Lys's house till I seen Nash I froze. It felt like my heart stopped and it was just him and me I looked away and seen that Ethan was coming,so I decided to walk with him.

"Eleanor did you eat all your breakfast?" I just nodded and continued walking Nash tried talking to Ethan,but Ethan was to worried about me to notice. Once we got to the school I went in early to study for a test I had coming up when the bell rang I went straight to my first period class which was Math. I walked in sat in my seat which was next to Jacob and started working on a packet that was due by the end of the period. Jacob came in smiled at me and sat down starting his work.

"El whats that on your arm?" I looked down and seen my sleeve came up a little. I quickly pulled it down and tugged at the ends to make sure no one could see. Jacob tried pulling up my sleeve,but I smacked his hand away and started working again.

~End Of Class~

I handed the teacher my paper and walked out of the class heading to gym class when Jacob stopped me.

"Eleanor can I please see your arm I promise not to tell anyone?" I just shuck my head and walked to the stairs quickly. I reach the locker rooms and change into shorts and a hoddie. I wait for Lys to change and walk with her to the gym she doesn't say anything just sits and waits for the teacher. After our teacher explains what to do Lys and I partner up together for volleyball then she goes to get the ball with no words,just walks away. She comes back and we start I don't know why she would be mad at me. Did she see my cuts or maybe its the trip to the hospital?

~After School~

Lys has not said one word to me and I stop her as I see her.
"Lys why have you not talked to me today? Did I do something wrong?" She stopped and turned to me.

"El I almost lost you yesterday because you've stopped eating since your sister died and I cant have you gone because I need you El. And something must have happened between you and Nash because every since you stopped coming to my house or walking with me when Nash does he seems so depressed. Its not like him to act like that and trust me I would know." I just looked at her.

"Lys nobody would like me like that anyways. And I'm sorry I will start eating again." She just sighed walking with her. Little did she know I had to make a lie. I cant start eating again and I cant go around Nash.

Author's Note

Hey guys sorry I took forever to update but updates are going to start and get harder to do because a lot is starting to happen and I have other books to update too. Also I get my iPhone on Saturday and my aunts wedding is Sunday and Im the maid of honor yaaa. Anyways soon I will have out a Taylor Caniff book, a Nash Grier book, a Shawn Mendes book, and Caggie book, and more. Also this boom is coming to an end soon.
Love you guys

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