Chapter 8

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Alyssa's POV

Eleanor has seem very tired and sick these last couple weeks. Today we have cheer and Eleanor has not even been to my house at all since the funeral. Right now I'm getting ready for cheerleading and then heading to El's to ride with her.

"Lys were are the Oreos?" I rolled my eyes I swear Nash can never do anything by himself. I finished putting on my shoes and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"Nash god gave you two eyes for a reason,so use them." He glared at me and Skylann ran into the kitchen.

"Lys tell El I said hi and miss her." I nodded and Nash looked sad. I thing him came to like El and then she just stopped coming around. I tired acting like I seen nothing.

"Ok I will,but right now I have to leave for cheer. I'll see you once I get back." I kissed Skylann's forehead and ran out the door to Eleanor's house. I knocked and Greyson answered and let me in. I went up to El's room and opened the door.

"Hey Elie boo." She slightly smiled and grabbed her phone walking out of her bedroom.

"Hey Lys can I tell you something I think you should know?"I was kinda worried because she looks so broken and she looked like she has lost a lot of weight.

"Yeah anything." I said and she looked down the hallway before starting.

Eleanor's POV

I can't believe I'm about to tell Lys what only Diana knew.


Tonight I was going to a party down at my friend's parent's lake house,but the thing is I have to sneak out. So I just brought my swimsuit with me to school.

"El are you sure they won't see you leave?" Tristan questioned for the thousandth time since I got to school.

"I'm sure my dad is out of town and my mom will probably be busy with the twins and Danielle." I said as we reach our friends Sadie,Jake,Carly,and Luke.

"El ready for the party tonight?" Luke said waving his arms in the air drawling attention to us. I smiled a bratty smile at everyone that kept looking.

"Well looks like we found the loser group faster today." Bethany said and I turned around crossing my arms over my chest.

"Bethany why don't you just go back to your daddy and beg for more money. You selfish little bitch." Sadie said and we started laughing.

"At least I have money." Bethany said and everyone in the hall started laughing.

"Bethany why do you always do this everyday. Don't you have anything else to do beside say shit you know isn't true? God I swear if my dad didn't have the respect he has for your family I would bet the living shit out of you." I said and she looked defended.

"Well at least I'm still a virgin and didn't have sex when I'm 13 like you." Bethany said and everyone is the hall laughed. I didn't have sex with anyone Bethany just started that rumor. I walked to my first period class and hope school ends fast.


School is now over and I am in my room getting ready to sneak out. I was opening my window when someone knocked at my door.

"Come in." I yelled and my mom walked in. I smiled and she sat on my bed parting signaling fir me to sit next to her.

"I have to tell you something very important. We're moving to North Carolina tomorrow so today was the last day to see your friends." She said and I was glaring at her.

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