Chapter 4

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Eleanor's POV

Today we are heading to the beach and maybe the fair tonight. Alyssa and everyone were ready and I told them I would meet them in the lobby because I got up late. I rushed to my bag and pulled out my black tight crop top and my white/blue high waist jean shorts. I threw my hair into a neat bun and slipped my sandals on. I quickly applied mascara on and the door opened.

"Lys I'm hurrying." I looked it was not Lys it was Nash. I glared shooting a pillow off the bed at him.

"You should have not done that." He said and started walking towards me. I crawled over the bed and ran out to the living room. Nash grabbed my wrist and he spun me around.

"Now El are you going to be nice today?"I rolled my eyes and he kicked the back of my leg making me fall to the ground. He then pinned my wrist to the ground and straddled me.

"Get off of me." I said and he shuck his head. He leaned closer and I closed my eyes. When your lips touch he bit my lip a little. I bit his lip back and he smirked. We kissed for a good two minutes before we heard someone at the door. Nash rushed off me and ran into his room and I acted like I was just putting in my shoes.

"Oh your already. We just have to wait for Nash to get out of the bathroom then we're heading to the beach." Lys said and I nodded.

"I'll be right down I just have to get my stuff." She nodded and left to head back down. I sighed and walked to grab my phone. Nash was waiting in the living room were we just made out.

"El don't tell anyone about our little make out session just now." I nodded and he stopped me. "I mean it not even Lys." I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I got in the elevator with Nash. Once we reached the lobby Nash ran towards the bathrooms before his family noticed him.

"Honey we're just waiting on Nash." I smiled and a minute later Nash appeared from the 'bathroom'. We all walked to the van and got in. Lys and I in the very back again. Nash had a smug smirk on his face when I walked passed him to get in the van.

"I can't wait to get to the beach. Also maybe we take some pictures together." I nodded and Lys smiled and looked out the window. I sighed and checked my phone. I had two messages.


Hope your having a great time. I already miss you.

I replied and checked my other message.


I really miss you. The school is boring without you here.

I frowned and replied.


Awh I miss you too and our group. I actually made a friend the first week and we're like lost sisters.

I put my music on and the song Who Are You by Fifth Harmony came on. I started to think this song described Nash, just not the part about dating problems because we're not dating. I rested my head and noticed we were already parked at the beach. Skylann and Hayes were hyper today and Nash was just quiet. I got out of the van after Alyssa and Nash was making weird faces at me.

"Your stupid." He just smiled and walked over to help his mom with the stuff. Skylann was holding onto Lys and I hands and swinging. We all walked to the beach to find a spot before changing. After their mom found a spot Lys,Nash,Hayes,and I all left to change.

"Once you girls are done meet right back here." Nash said with a serious look. We nodded and walked away. Lys and I found two stalls next to each other. I put on my baby blue bikini and leave my hair the way it is. I walk out and go where Nash said to wait. He smiled at me and walked towards me.

"You look cute." I rolled my eyes.

"I thought you hate me?"He smiled again at me.

"I do just felt like doing this." He leaned in and kissed me AGAIN.

"Ok stop doing that or I will tell Lys." He agreed and Lys came out wearing a mint colored bikini. We waited two minutes for Hayes and we headed back to our spot. Lys and I played with Sky in the sand for a while before getting in the water.

"The water is nice." I agreed with Alyssa. We swam around and I felt something grab my foot. I was pulled under water when I came back up Nash was there laughing. Lys was already out if the water and not paying an attention.

"That's payback for the pillow." I rolled my eyed and got out of the water. We all walked to get changed before we headed back to the hotel for dinner then the fair. I waited for Alyssa and she came out and handed me a starfish hair piece.

"Here my mom got these for us." I smiled putting it in my hair and we walked to the van. Once everyone was in the van we headed back to the hotel. Nash was not tried anything again,so that is a good thing. We arrived at the hotel and once we got to the hotel memories of this morning replayed in my head Nash smiled at me. I went and changed into a tang top and grabbed my sweatshirt and went into the living room.

"El Hun can you have pizza?" I nodded and went to set with Lys and Sky. We waited ten minutes and the pizza came. I got cheese and Skylann followed Lys and I into our room and we watched Spongbob.

"Girls ready?" We all ran out into the living room and Lys's mom laughed. Lys grabbed her sweatshirt and we all decided to walk there. Nash walked behind me and kept poking me I was trying to not say anything to him. We got our stuff and Lys and I walked around by our selfs

"I'm surprised you did not saying anything to Nash for poking you." I laughed only if she knew about Nash and I's making out this morning. "I have to really pee I'll be right out." I nodded as she ran into the bathrooms. I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me to the side of the building.

"Nash what the hell." He put me against the wall and put both his hands near my head.

"Just one more time?" I rolled my eyes,but agreed with him. When our lips touched I bit his lip and he opened his mouth slightly. I giggled and pulled away.

"Nash we can't keep doing this. So this is the last time." I kissed him and walked to where I was suppose to be waiting for Lys. Thank god she didn't come out of the bathroom yet. Nash smiled and walked back to wherever he was suppose to be.

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