Chapter 17

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Eleanor's POV

~2 Weeks Later~

I went on that date with Jake for New Years and now we're dating and hanging out together today. Every since the birthday party I have not seen or heard from Lys and that's not normal. Grayson and Ethan are now playing basketball and Danielle is still doing gymnastics and I started cheerleading again. I'm just getting ready to hang out with Jake not really caring what I'm wearing. We're going to the YMCA to do something for a couple hours just to spend time together.

"Eleanor Jake is here." I smiled grabbing my phone and running downstairs to see him talking with Grayson. He seen me and smiled kissing me.

"I'll be home soon." Mom nodded and I closed the door taking Jake's hand in mine.

"Your brothers are really cool." I laughed and he smiled at me. As we walked past Lys's house I looked to see Nash looking out his window and Lys was just sitting on her couch in a blanket.

"Hey are Lys and Mason still dating?" Jake only shrugged his shoulders as we kept walking. We made it to the YMCA and we went start to the gym and started playing basketball together because no one was in the gym.

"Hey that's cheating." I laughed and I fell on my butt causing Jake to laugh. He came over and helped me up.

"Hey stand on the ball. Don't worry I won't let you fall again." I rolled my eyes standing on it and wrapped my arms tight around Jake. I was only a couple inches taller then him and he wrapped his arms around my torso kissing me. We pulled away smiling at each other and he kicked the ball causing me to jump to him.

"I had to." I laughed letting go of Jake and started walking out of the gym and he followed. We walked back to my house and I stopped looking at Jake as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close.

"Want to stay for a little and watch a movie in my room?" He smiled nodding and I smiled taking his hand when someone called for me and that someone was Nash.

"Eleanor can I talk to you for a minute please?" I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Jake.

"I'll go inside and get the movie started in your room." I nodded and he kissed me walking inside my house. I turned back to Nash and waited for him to talk.

"Eleanor I know hate me for kissing Lilly in front of you,but you have to understand I did that to try and get you to move on. So don't hold that against Alyssa and just get over it and talk to her." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Um as you can see I moved on from you that's why I'm dating Jake now and I'm not holding shit against Lys. So if you don't mind I'm going to watch a movie now." Nash looked pissed and I started walking away from him.

"Your a bitch you know. You won't go see what's wrong with your best friend." I turned looking at him and gave him the middle finger walking inside. I went up to my room and Jake put in the movie Grown Ups I smiled laying next to him on my bed. I rested my head on his chew and he wrapped his arm around my pulling me close.

Alyssa's POV

It's been two weeks since the thing happened with Mason and nobody knows about it. I've not seen or talked with Eleanor since the party,but I seen her walking by my house earlier with Jake and I'm happy for her. I was watching tv when Nash stormed into the house slamming the door.

"Wow what's wrong there?" He just looked at me and walked into the kitchen. I followed him in there and sat at the island.

"Your friend Eleanor is what's wrong. She is acting like a big bitch about everything. You know she-"he stopped talking and looked like a deer in the headlights. I gave him a weird look.

"She what and what do you mean by everything?" Nash just shuck his head and walked away to his room. I jut shrugged it off and went back to watching tv.

Author's Note

Merry Christmas Eve and I have know been on wattpad for a year. Go read my book about my time on wattpad for some great Fanfics and you never know maybe I mentioned you in it.

Love you guys.

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