Hogwarts Express

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It was my sixth year, her fifth year. We never really talked to each other, maybe because of our parents? I don't know. But here I sat in a Slytherin compartment with my group of mates. Sometimes I wondered why the sorting hat placed me in Slytherin, from what I could tell I was the opposite of the house. But, if I did maybe I'd be a disappointment to the Malfoy name. It was odd not talking to her, we were in the house. Her family was accepting of the fact that two of their children had gotten into Slytherin. Lily and her brother Albus, who was in my year, both had gotten into Slytherin while their 7th year brother James was in Gryffindor. I was sitting by the door of our compartment, my head leaning on the wall was I looked out the window into the corridor. That's when I saw her. Lily Potter. All I saw was her red hair, but that was enough. My thought were interrupted by being prodded in the shoulder. " Malfoy move. " Was all they said. I glared at them, occasionally my temper could go off. " Fine. " I hissed gathering my belongs. I slid the compartment door open, then slammed it shut mumbling profanities under my breathe as I walked down the corridor. My animal of choice was a cat who was rather nice and took an instant liking to me when I was twelve shopping at Diagon Alley. He was an Abyssinian cat named Octavian, name courtesy of my mother. And of course which my luck the train started as I was attempting to find a new compartment. " Scorpius? " I heard a soft voice say. My blue eyes met hers. " You could... sit with us if you wanted. " She said and I peered inside the compartment. Other than Lily there were 2 other fifth year Slytherin girls. I bit my lip before nodding." Sure." Was all I could say as I entered their compartment.


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Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now