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C H A P T E RT H I R T Y - S I X

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T H I R T Y - S I X


The water that I splashed on my face was so hot, leaving a trail of steam in the air. As I stared at my reflection on the mirror, it was covered by mist.

I wiped the glass with my fists, producing a squeaky sound that echoed against the four walls of the bathroom. When it was clear, the first thing that caught my attention were my golden eyes.

Not a blessing, but a curse.

After I was done taking a shower, I dried myself up with a towel before falling head-first on my bed. I corner-eyed Jeena's journal that was lying on my bedside table.

I promised her I would find the cure. I promised her that her sacrifices and Lucas' wouldn't be in vain.

I make too much promises.

I tried to reach out for the journal with my left hand, until the noise coming from outside stopped me.

"Can Jungwoo be my roommate?"

"No. Jungwoo is staying in a separate room!"

"But he would be lonely there--!"

I stood up from my bed in an instant, dashing towards the door in a hurried pace. I locked it, hearing the metals go click, click.

I sighed before I returned back to my bed, the journal now in my hands.

My fingertips traced the edges of the cover, studying how old it was. I wondered who also got hold of this notebook, of whose eyes had dwelled such crucial secrets.

I opened its first page, feeling my heart making beating sounds like a drum.

The first word that I saw was the name KWON, its letters printed in bold. As I was about to move on to the next page, I heard a loud knock on the door.

I got up from my bed, cursing mentally, until I reached the doorknob and pulled it open.

The knocker, no other than Nakamoto Yuta himself, faltered as the obstacle that separated us was no longer there. His brows arched a bit, and his blue eyes glimmered as if right before them was the most shocking thing he'd ever seen.

"I believe this is yours," he said, almost lazily.

Hanging on his pale fingers was the witchlight that he gave me, attached to its thin and thread-like string. It matched with the one he's wearing around his neck. It's the first time I was sharing an identical property with someone.

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