part 22 | internship pt. 2

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(Third Person POV)

(Third Person POV)

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"These are heavier then I thought…" Kyoshu muttered as Sasha handed her twin pistols though she set one of the two in its holster that rested on her thighs "I still don't think its okay for me to walk around with guns

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"These are heavier then I thought…" Kyoshu muttered as Sasha handed her twin pistols though she set one of the two in its holster that rested on her thighs "I still don't think its okay for me to walk around with guns." she said, Sasha merely laughed

"There are heroes out there that carry guns! For starters, Snipe! & even Gunhead! Its in their hero names for Christ sakes!" she nodded her head

"You're right about that."

"I know!" Sasha had finished putting up a board that was shaped like a person so she walked back over to Kyoshu & lifted her arm up so it was pointing at the board "You need a strong stance so you don't get blown back by its recoil, though with you stature I don't see that happening."

"Was that a compliment?"


"Thank you then." Sasha smiled

"Anyways, you'll need both your head & your feet pointing in the direction where you want to bullet to go, same with your body. Take a deep breath as well." she nods her head "& maybe do something about your hair, we don't want it to get in the way." she sighed

"I'm sorry if I may come off as rude but, I'm not doing anything about my hair. I can see perfectly." Sasha raised her hands up

"Alright alright, I get it." she noticed that Kyoshu still had her gloves on just as she was going to shoot "Wait! Take your gloves off." her eyes moved down to them before she handed the gun to Sasha so she could take her right glove off "One last thing, just before the bullet hits the target, make the bullet explode." Kyoshu shook her head

"That won't be necessary. I don't always need to command the objects I touch to explode, whenever they come into contact with something that isn't me, they'll explode." Sasha claps her hands

"That's much easier!"

"It is." Sasha then backed away just as Kyoshu went to aim again, she stared at the target before pulling the trigger, she gasped when suddenly the target was encased in ice that started from the chest "W-What the?! Ice?!"

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