part 44 | fault

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(Third Person POV)

Sometime after the battle between Kyoshu & All for One, All Might had a crack at it but struggled more since he was at his time limit, resulting at him deflating into his true form & everyone finding out his secret, however this didn't mean anything & he defeated All for One. It was truly a marvellous sight. Right now, the police were taking Bakugou into questioning & he was surprisingly quiet, that was until his eyes landed on Kyoshu & Mount Lady's unconscious forms

"Kyoshu! Aunt Yu!" he cried out & sprinted over to them but was abruptly stopped by the police "Get out of the way! I have to see if they're alright!"

"You can, after we're finished speaking with you. Besides, I believe they won't be awake for a couple hours." it was true, they look like shit

"... b-but--" he jolted a bit when he saw Kyoshu weakly lift her hand & wave him off then flash him a thumbs up before it fell limp "... okay."

"Thank you for being cooperative, Bakugou-kun." he nods his head



"Kyoshu!" Okizu cried out as she ran into the hospital with Hakai hot on her tail, when the glass window that led to the room where Kyoshu was being held came into view, she pressed her face against it & gasped at the state her only daughter was in. She covered her mouth with her hand & let the tears fall before falling into an embrace with Hakai, who was trying to hold back the tears as he witnessed the state Kyoshu was in

Her entire body was covered with bandages & there was a hole on the side of her torso, opposite from the scar where Stain stabbed her, & there was multiple medical equipment in said hole trying to stabilize her. She looked like hell. Hakai shook his head & bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying, he didn't care if he drew blood, tears weren't going to help the fact that they're daughter was basically at deaths door

"Ah, the Takeyama family, I am yet again at your service." the voice of the same doctor that was assigned to Kyoshu the last two times "Though this time I'm here for your daughter & now your sister." Okizu gripped his shoulders

"H-How is she?!" he sighed & pulled out a clipboard

"Alive, surprisingly. You've got a tough cookie. That wound, that hole, that should've killed her as soon as it was made. Unlike a few other wounds, it hadn't been sealed as quickly as it was made, plus she's lost a lot of blood. We've yet to get a full analysis of her, but from first glance, the upper left side of her body has sustained 2nd & 3rd degree burns (the scars should be similar to dabi's) while her left leg had a serious stab wound & with how much pressure she put on it, the results may end up fatal." he squeezed the bridge of his nose "Not to mention, we got a quick x-ray & see she's got a lot of broken bones, & I mean a lot, & her jaw seemed to have come loose again, being even more worse than from the time of the USJ attack. I really am surprised she's still alive."

"Omigod!" Okizu covered her mouth to muffle the sobs while Hakai had fallen onto a chair & ran his hands through his hair

"D-Do… do you have a-an-- any idea what that aura was? From b-before! The one that made e-everyone cry?" Hakai asked, the doctor hummed

"Maybe. I believe its another part of her quirk, well again maybe. You're well aware of the pro hero Miss Joke & her quirk Outburst, correct?" they both nod "Well, if I had to guess, she's somehow developed a quirk called Emotional Outburst. A short description; from the strong emotion she's feeling, an aura will radiate or explode out of Takeyama-san, & anyone within the aura will feel that said emotion. Blue would equal sadness, red would equal anger & so on so forth."

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