part 48 | tagged *im sorry 😭🙏*

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im a dick, im sorry this isn't an update but im working on this story instead of solar, SnowyHybrid tagged me so im gonna do that first.

Rules:Mention who tagged you

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Mention who tagged you.
Do it less than 3 days (uuuhhh).
Say 10 things about you.
Tag 28 people (or less).
Put a title to the tag (what).
Tell a joke.
Write a spoiler for one of your stories.
Put these rules in your tag.

F1: i have long hair and i also leave it in a ponytail, even when i sleep. When i wake up I'm not fucked brushing my hair so I just tie it up *shrug*

F2: I stay up pass 12 on school days yet I can still wake up at 6 and feel energized, even though the inside of me is screaming that I want to die.

F3: I make my own book covers for my stories. They're a pain in the ass but they still look pretty sick in my opinion.

F4: I enjoy listening to the old 2000 music cause they're catchy and a bloody hell jam. I'm a 2000 child dammit.

F5: I fucking hate this generation.

F6: I have a huge fucking fear of balloons. When I was younger I was blowing up a balloon when it suddenly popped and the rubber went into my eye... that fucking sucked.

F7: I wear glasses and without them my vision is so fucking shit. This one time I fucking forgot to put them on so I went to school blind, my vision is so blurry, I thought a fucking rock was a god for saken cat.

F8: I aggressively care.

F9: I am currently replaying borderlands 2 again, as Zer0 this time, and I've died 13 times so far. When I played as Maya I died to many times I lost count. I am ridiculously good as Zer0.

F10: I struggle to show people that I care, I do care it's just that I don't know how to express it and show it.

Joke: i don't know if this is considered a joke, but i find it funny

Someone: *sneezes*
Me: ...
Someone: aren't you gonna say bless you?
Me: bless you? bitch, you're already blessed with my presence


_______ glared up at him, who only just smiled down at him while the others tried apologizing to the male for his attitude, he winced and grimaced in pain when he was smacked in the back of his head.

"Ow! What the hell, ______?! That hu--" he cut himself off when she placed a hand on his head.

"You just don't know when to be polite, neh, ____?" she looks at the other male and gives him a bright smile, shocking the others and even him "Hello, ______~" she cooed.

Tagged People: you don't have to do it if you don't wanna

1: morianna19
2: strawhat_pirate
3: Roasted-n-Toasted
4: Tako_Boi
5: luna16love

Rants: yeah sorry

so, uh, a friend of mine, who's gay, asked me on what my opinion on shit related to LGBT and shit like that. If it was alright for a man to love a man, shit like that, yeah? My answer was that I didn't care. What does my opinion have to do if a man is in love with a person who happens to be a man as well? I simply, don't care.

Love is love. We have the right to fall in love with anyone we so desire if they be a man or not. I find it so amazing when people just come out that they're les or gay or trans or bi, they're brave to something so... dangerous, knowing that some people don't like people who are unique and different. My only limit is age difference. If you're a grown adult in love with a 16 year old or younger, you need to rethink your choices and back up.

Another thing is that... I'm from New Zealand, I'm born and raised, but I wasn't born in Christchurch or was there when that Australian fuck came down to our country and shot up the Mosque... I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! AND HOW DARE YOU SAY "subscribe to pewdiepie" AT THE END!! Nah ah! Don't try and pin this shit on him! I'm not the biggest fan of pewds anymore, but don't fucking try and pin such a tragedy on that man!

When I heard about it, I couldn't remember the last tragedy this big except the earthquakes, and that was years ago! Don't bring that shit to our country! Shit like that doesn't belong anywhere you cunt! And don't get me started with that fucking senator! Um, excuse me? Did you say it was our fault that the mosque was shot up in the first place?

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO SAY THAT IT IS OUR FAULT THAT A CITIZEN FROM YOUR COUNTRY SHOT UP A BUILDING AND KILLED INNOCENT LIVES?! WE ARE A FREE COUNTRY THAT ACCEPT ALL PEOPLE!! REGARDLESS OF THEIR SEX, RELIGION, ETHINICITY AND WHAT NOT!! BUT WE DO NOT ALLOW SUCH BEHAVIOR LIKE THAT HERE!! Egg boy, you're my fucking hero and I love you! That senator bastard or whatever the hell he is, got what was coming to him! I know I'm late for this and that they'll never read this, but I've been wanting to post this in forever.

... sorry.

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