part 51 | hero license pt. 2

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(Third Person POV)

Kyoshu strolled into the room where she was suppose to be in and saw absolutely no one in there, a few minutes after she passed she heard someone else had passed as well. She took her mask off, grabbed an apple and sat down in a chair and bit into it, with a satisfying sigh she leaned back and continued to eat the apple. Yoarashi strolled into the lobby a few seconds later, his eyes brightened when he saw the blonde so he dashed over to her with his arms flailing around excitedly.

"Ohhh! You must be the first examinee that finished under 5 minutes!" Kyoshu looked over and offered a small awkward smile, she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"I guess... you must've been the one that took out over 100 examinees." the two continued to chat, much to Kyoshu's dismay, until more examinees walked in later.

"Hey hey! Who's your favorite hero?!"

"Hmm, if anyone, my favorite would be... Eraserhead! He's motivated me to keep being in the hero course dispite me wanting me to transfer into the general course when I had my disability."

"Whoa really?! That's very admirable!" Kyoshu smiled genuinely at him "But man...!" Yoarashi glanced backwards and saw the bicolored male, that made him give Todoroki a really serious glare before then turning back to Kyoshu "Right, what was it again?!" she noticed his glare before looking at him.

"Why did you look at Todoroki-san like that? Is there something wrong?"

"I dunno! Are you two close?!" Kyoshu nodded her head.

"Yeah, you could say we grew closer when I beat the ever leaving shit out of him during the sports festival. Or maybe it was after, THAT, incident." Kyoshu laughed lightly at the end of that sentence, Yoarashi's eyes widened at that sentence, she then bowed "I enjoyed our talk, Yoarashi-san, but I will be taking my leave." he grinned and waved her goodbye.

"See ya, Kyoshu!" she nodded and walked off then scowled lightly.

"Hopefully not." Todoroki was in his own world he hadnt noticed Kyoshu sit beside him until he felt her lean her head on his "Took you long enough, I had to talk to that idiot over there. He wouldn't shut up about different heroes and shit." he hummed.

"I apologize, maybe if I had stuck around, we could've worked together and passed at the same time."

"Maybe. How do you think the others are doing? You're the first person I've seen from our school."

"I believe they're doing fine."

"You think so?" she felt him nod, they stayed in that position until she felt him slowly lift his hand and drag his hand over where her bandages were "What are you doing?"

"... I'm sorry you had to endure this pain." she raised a brow.

"Why are you sorry? It's not as if you were the one that caused it." the memory of Dabi burning her left side made her wince and even her wounds to start stinging so she brought her hand up and caressed her neck.

"But we had a chance to save you, you AND Bakugou... we just weren't fast enough to get to you." she shook her head and hummed, willing emitting a calm aura out of her that effected Todoroki and calmed his nerves down.

"No, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself, because I don't blame you." he smiled.

"Why don't you call me Shouto anymore, Kyoshu? I'm missing it." she hummed.

"Like I said to Yo-senpai, it's more formal and polite... unless you want me to call you Shouto again." he nods.

"I'd like that." she smiled softly, suddenly the voice of that man named Mera was heard through the speakers.

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