Chapter 19

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Jades POV :

I sat on the sofa next to my mam impatient as I was waiting for Perrie to come home , that's why when I heard a knock on the door I jumped straight up and practically ran to open the door but the person at the door was not Perrie but jesy , "hi jade I just need to give you this note if you follow it you will find some thing good trust me ",with that she left with no  other words said "ok then". I closed the door and sat back down next my mam , I turned the letter over and tore it open  to see a full paragraph from Perrie reading

Jade if you follow the instructions this gives you will find some thing after it , now clue one you need to leave your house and head south down town were you will find clue stuck with glue not near the loo but were I first met you like first met which we both might not remember.

Were we first met well apparently we knew each other when we were young so I am presuming near her old house , I still remember we're it is , it's a few houses away from my nan's house. I said bye to my mam and made my way down to were Perrie's old house is , on the way I put headphones in and started to listen to yungblud to take away the scare factor of being alone . As I approached the house I saw a white note stuck to a lamppost a few feet away from the actual house

You found the next clue good for you , now it's not near the house because my mam and I don't get on I will explain later on but if you go beyond and go along the gravel path you should find clue number tres .

Wait why doesn't she get on with her mam , well she will explain later on but right now I need to find a gravel path , it is obviously past the house so I just head in that direction quickly passing the house in case I am spotted which I am not . I looked around the area for a gravel path which I find past a gate leading me in the direction of I don't know where but I am anxious about heading somewhere I don't know .

The path is quite dark but soon opens up into the sea front right before I walk off I see another white note stuck on to one of the wooden pollards.

Well done you found the last clue now let me help you if you head in the direction heading east me and you should meet now if you need more help just go left .

I chuckled a little at the comment on the paper before heading east down the path along the beach , hopefully I find Perrie soon it's been a while since I left my house and I just want to see her at this point . I have been walking for about ten minuets and I still can't see Perrie I have looked on the sand and the path but no , I spotted some thing in the distance but it's a long way away so I start jogging a little to hopefully get there a little quicker .

It's been about five minuets and I can just make out that it's Perrie on the sand sat down facing the sea so I run until I am behind her on the path unnoticed taking my shoes and socks of like I can see that she has done , I walk slowly behind her and see a whole set up of a blanket some fancy looking bottle and food from what looks like KFC which is fine by me "Perrie ",I scream down her ear making her jump out of her skin "why did you do that I was watching the sea and then I thought I was gonna get murdered ",I laughed and sat next to her "well you did well on the clues I have only been sat here for like half an hour , but anyway I have got KFC if that's ok ",I nodded digging in to the food basket helping plate it out for Perrie . As we ate and drank the juice Perrie said looked fancy (which is why she brought it) I noticed Perrie was eating very little and was on edge , which is why when we finished eating and she she looked at me nervously my heart sank "look jade I set this all up for a reason now I need to tell you because I am dying  inside from nerves , um when we first met when we were little we were great friends until we lost contact when I moved , when I came back and saw you my heart almost exploded at how beautiful  you looked and when I saw you step into that road my first instinct was to run after you which I did anyway and I am thankful I did I had to get back in contact with you and when I found your number I was so happy but I didn't want to some straight out and tell you because I was nervous at the fact that you are famous and I am a no body but you showed me that you don't care about all that and that leads me to ask you jade Thirlwall  will you be my girlfriend ". I had tears streaming down my face at the end of her little speech "of course I will Perrie ",but before she could even reply I had pulled us together into a sweet kiss.

Authors note: so I hope you liked this chapter and if you did then please vote , Happy  New Year and my New Years resolution is to update more hopefully I can do that anyway I hope you have a good day,afternoon or night 💜📱

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