New Faces

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Violets Pov

I walked down dorm halls feeling exhausted after a long day fishing with Brody. It was only the afternoon but I decided to try to take a quick nap before dinner was ready, I take off vest and boots and hop into bed. I was out cold in a matter of minutes. I open my eyes and look to my left and see a girl she had dark brown, almost blackish hair and the most beautiful brown eyes I'd ever seen. Before I could say a word I felt her press gently up against my lips. I was taken completely off guard by the kiss, but it felt good so I lean in kissing her back. We both pull away shocked by what had just happened, "Holyshit". I just stared at this beautiful girls lips not quite how sure I felt about this kiss or who even she was. I'm awoken from my dream by someone knocking at my door. "Shit!" "just a second I'll be right there". I quickly put on my boots and vest and open the door, I see Marlon standing there with a worried look on his face. What the hell do you want I'm trying to rest? I cross my arms and glare at him angry that he woke me up. "Violet, I need you to come with me down to the train station, the other kids and I just saw a lot of smoke coming from that direction". "Are you crazy Marlon its probably swarming with walkers by now and... "Just stop arguing and come on," he says motioning for me to follow as he quickly makes his way down the hall. "Well fuck" I sigh grabbing my bow and cleaver chasing after Marlon.

I meet him at the gates and see that Aasim is on watch, "be careful out there guys I'm pretty sure I heard an explosion. All that noise is sure to bring a herd of walkers that way". "We'd better make this quick then, come on Vi." Marlon and I dash through the woods in the direction of the smoke, I wasn't eager to go outside the safe zone, especially after what happened last year, but I knew had to see who or what caused this explosion. As soon as we arrived at the train station we spot an overturned car with walkers surrounding it try to get to whoever was inside. Marlon fires his bow and I slash my cleaver through multiple walkers as we make our way to the wreck. We rush in seeing if there were any survivors, "I got the boy you get her" he says grabbing the kid he couldn't have been more than six years old. I get down my knees to get the other survivor and I realize it's that girl from my dream the one that I kissed. I quickly unbuckle her seat belt and drag her out of the car. I pick her up holding her tightly in my arms she wasn't too heavy. She was barely conscious staring into my eyes, "you're going to be okay and we got your boy we're going to take you both somewhere safe" I say staring back at her. "Hurry up Vi we gotta get these two back to the school before more walkers come" I nod and we head back to the school as fast as we can.

We approach the gates, I look down at the girl resting in my arms, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. I hear her let out a moan in pain as we made our way into the courtyard, "Shh, shh, it's okay I got you" I whisper to her trying to let her know that everything would be okay. She managed to say "thank you" before passing out. Her voice was so soft, so calm for some reason this made me want to kiss her. But I fight the urge shaking my head as Ruby, Tenn, and Louis run over offering to help us. "Let me see them," Ruby says walking over to check their pulse. "I have everything thing we need in the inside, Violet, Marlon, follow me," she says walking towards the dorms. I begin walking after her when my arms started feeling like jelly, "you okay Vi?" "Yeah, I'm fine Louis just really tired, we ran all the way here". Here I'll take her inside, you go rest for a second" Louis says as I carefully lay the girl down in his arms. I see Tenn follow them inside as I make my way over to the picnic tables. "Huh this is crazy I can't believe that's the girl from my dream, I also can't believe I wanted to kiss her," I say to myself. "I must be losing my mind, I don't even know that girl yet and I already have a crush on her". "Well, no matter how I'm feeling I just hope her and that little boy are alright they looked pretty banged up".

"Are you okay?" I look up and see Tenn standing there. "Yeah I'm fine Tenn I was thinking about some things, are they going to be okay?" "Yeah, Ruby says the boy doesn't even have a scratch on him and the girl should be okay, but her head was bleeding a little so we cleaned and bandaged it". "That's good, hey could you let me know when they wake up?" I ask him, he gives me a nod before heading over to one of the other tables too draw. I was very happy to hear that they'd be alright. Before too long it was time for dinner I sit down at the table with Marlon, Ruby, and Louis. "So what do you all think about our new guest?" Marlon asks "cause I think their gonna be a nice addition to our little family", he says. "I think the little boy might be a nice friend for Tenn and the girl I think is... "Cute right?" Louis asks interrupting me. They all turn to me waiting for me to answer, I look down at my food to embarrassed to answer as I stir my spoon around nervously. "I'll take that as yes Vi", he says giving me smirk. I look up at them all "I just hope I get to know her a little you know maybe learn she's from, you know shit like that". "Since when did you care about getting to know people, you usually don't even like talking a lot, why is this girl so special?"Louis asks. I wanted to tell them about the dream I had, but I decided against it, seeing as how Louis would just poke fun at me. So I decided to take the rest of my dinner to my bedroom, "I'm gonna go get cleaned up see you guys in the morning" I walk off into the dorms.

After I finished eating I hopped into bed pulling the covers over my body. I couldn't have dozed off for more than a few hours before I was woken up yet again by the sound of someone knocking at my door. "Goddamn it can't I just have a fucking moment to sleep!" I yell stomping my feet as I make my way to the door. "Violet I'm sorry, I know it's late but the little boy he's awake and he's demanding to see Clementine, I guess that's the girl he was with". "Clementine," "huh that's a pretty name," I think to myself. "Alright, I'm coming", I follow Louis down the hall and stop once I see the other kids surrounding the boy. "Wheres Clementine?" "Is she okay"? "She's fine buddy I promise, she's just resting your safe... I'm cut off by the boy, "let me see her then, please"! He begs tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "I'm Tenn what's your name"? Tenn asks appearing of nowhere. "My name's AJ, now please I need to see Clementine she protects me and I protect her". "We promise little dude that will bring her to you first thing in the morning, but right now we all need to sleep", Louis says. AJ just stands with a big frown on his face, I decided that I'd keep him busy until morning, after all, it was practically midnight already. "You all should get some sleep, it's getting late, I'll watch AJ until morning". All the kids dispersed back into their rooms, except for Tenn. "I'll help you", Vi, he says. "Thanks, Tenn." Hey, AJ are you hungry cause I got some snacks in my room"? His frown turned into a big smile, it made me feel good."Yes, thank you"! "Alright, Tenn how about you take AJ to your room to color while I go get the food". Tenn gave me a nod as they made their way to his bedroom. I grabbed the last two energy bars I had and walked into Tenn's room where he and AJ were laughing and coloring. "Hmm, looks like these two are quickly becoming friends, maybe I will become good friends with this girl Clementine", I thought to myself. I sat down beside them and began asking AJ a whole bunch of different questions about him and Clementine.

"So how long have you and Clem known each other"? "He smiles and looks up at me, Clem's been taking care of me since I was a little". Since he was little huh? AJ doesn't look a day over five. Which left me curious about her age. "Hey AJ how old is Clem", i asked? "I think she's sixteen... Why how old are you", he ask? "I'm nineteen kiddo", i said. "Damn your old", AJ laughs. I just smile back at a sweet kid in front of me. After hours of getting to know each other, Louis took over watching AJ while I finally got to get the rest I desperately needed.

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