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Violets Pov

I close my eyes and see Clementine, and she's laying in bed with me, her head resting on my chest. "How did... "Am I dreaming"? I slowly get up out of bed while carefully easing her head off my chest trying not to wake her. I walk over to the window, it was still night time I look back at Clem and begin admiring her figure. "Should I get back in bed with her?" "She so beautiful is this real, please, please let be. I walk back to the bed, I lean in to kiss her on the cheek, but I feel a hand wrap around the back neck as she pulls me closer, I feel moist lips press against mines making me blush. I kiss her back and as I'm about to move my tongue in between the small space she had left with her lips I hear a loud knock at the door. I jump at the sound and hit my head on the top bunk, "Clem"! I look beside me and she's not there, " ugh so it was a dream, dammit!" I sit up on my bed pissed off that I was woken up from such a pleasant dream. I look over towards the door, "who hell is it and what do you want"? It's Tenn and I need help changing the bandage on Clementine's head"! I didn't know much about first aid, but if It meant I could help her then I'd do my best. I open the door and Tenn guides me across the hall into Minnie and Sophie's old room. So many emotions came rushing back as I entered the room, I began thinking about Minnie and how she and I would just snuggle up together in bed with only our bodies keeping each other warm, but when she kissed me it never felt all that passionate. "You ready Vi"? Tenn says holding out some gauze, "yeah I'm ready Tenn". I gently lift her head up. So that Tenn could unwrap the blood-soaked bandage, Clem didn't move at all she was out cold. "Tenn does she have any other injuries?" Tenn gives me a frown and nods his head, pointing to her left arm and shoulder. I gently lift up her sleeve and see what appears to be a stitched up cut or bite of some type. "Shit that must have hurt", I whisper-yell as make my way up to her shoulder. I was about to move her shirt over just a bit so I could get a look at the injury but realized how close it was to her breasts and decided to stop. "Vi, Why aren't you checking the other wound"? I thought it was rather obvious why I didn't really even have a chance to even talk to Clem and was not about to start undressing her, even though I kinda wanted to. "Because we'd be invading her privacy, Tenn". He looks at Clem and then back at me trying to figure out what I meant. "Just keep an eye on her I'm gonna go get some breakfast."

Marlon walks up to me as soon as I entered the courtyard "about time you woke up Vi, I've sent some of the other kids out to do some hunting they should be back in a few hours". "Pfft, oh no how will they manage without me," I say rolling my eyes as I head over the picnic tables to get a bite to eat. The food had to have been cold but I was to busy thinking about Clem to really notice. "How did Clem get all those scars on her body", I cringed at thought of how much pain they must have caused her. I wanted to think of something else, so after I finished eating I decided to sit up on the wall by the gate and wait for the other kids to return. After waiting for about an hour I had started doze off when I heard Tenn yell up to me that Clem was awake. I look across the yard to where Tenn was pointing, and as soon as I saw her I couldn't help but smile the way she walked, how her hair blew in the wind it gave me butterflies. As soon as she looked up at me my heart skipped a beat and my cheeks turned bright red. "What the hell is wrong with me I don't even know if she likes girls or if she'll like me". I thought as I looked away trying to regain my composure. After a few deep breaths, I decided to head down to the gate since there was still no sign of the other kids.

I heard Louis laughing, an glanced over and saw he was walking rather close to Clem which made very irritated, I crossed my arms turning back towards the gate hoping that Louis hadn't already won over Clementine's heart. Just the thought of it made me sick to my stomach. "You give Clem her weapon back"? Marlon asked and I didn't dare turn around. Afraid if I did I'd end up looking into Clem's beautiful brown eyes and that I'd tell her how much liked her. So instead of taking a chance of being rejected by Clem, I decided to just head out the gates and have everyone follow me. I jammed my cleaver into the side of a walkers head kicking it to the ground. I saw Clem watching me making me blush as I made my way towards another group of walkers. Somehow how after fighting my way through numerous walkers Clem and I ended up side by side, "you know you're not half bad considering the circumstances an all", I smiled at her. "Thanks, Violet," she said smiling back. "Let's finish these guys off Clem we don't need them attracting more walkers back to the school." She gave me a nod and just like that we were back to fighting our way back to the school making sure to kill any monster we saw. I look ahead and see Clem and Louis walking together, I ran up and joined them anxious to see what they were talking about. "I'd call that a b plus performance there Vi, you've done better". Annoyed by his comment about my fighting skills I flipped him the bird and told him to fuck off. "But you Clem that was a solid A maybe even an A-plus", Louis said. He was starting to really piss me off with his pathetic attempts to flirt with Clem. I looked back over at Clem to see how she'd respond "Nah you kicked ass Violet A plus"! I felt flattered by her words, "oh I know " I said trying to shrug off the fact that she was making me blush again.

Once back inside the school, Omar handed each a bowl rabbit stew, I made my way over to Clem and Marlon they were about to start a game of cards with Louis. "So what's the game tonight Lou?" Marlon asks, "War, the oldest game around, a game played by man and beast alike, the only game there is... "Wait how do we play?", Clem asks. "Its easy Clem each player gets dealt a stack of cards, everyone turns one over and whoever has the highest card wins". "Yep Vi right, but the winner gets to ask you a question, Clem". Wait, Louis, what if I win"? Then you get to ask us one it's only fair, he says and everyone agrees as he deals us each a stack. I won the first round, "Wait a go me!" So about AJ where are his parents, I mean you two don't exactly look related so... what happened there? I wait for her to respond glance back and forth between her and AJ. "They're dead, they where nice people for the most part... "It makes sense Clem, he's a nice kid". "Yeah he is, well for the most part", she says and we all begin flipping over our cards for the next round. We were all having a good time making jokes about Marlon's hair, we learned that Clem had been with a man named Lee when everything went to shit and that he taught her how to survive. Louis won the next round but was hesitating to ask Clem his question, which was getting irritating for everyone, "Come on Louis spit it out" he looks over at me then back at Clementine. "It's not a fun question Clem". "Just asks me Louis I'm sure..." "Have you ever had to kill someone you loved? Wow of all the questions he could have asked, he just had to pick that one. An awkward silence grew as we waited for Clem to answer. Yeah, his name was Lee, he got bit and... I see tears start to fall down her face as she tries to finish her sentence. "it was the same day I found out my parents were dead. Um"sniff," I think I'm done playing for tonight." Her and Aj make their way back to the dorms, Clem's head was down most of the way there. "Well good fucking job Louis, you made her cry". He just sat there mopping, "Well you just fucked up chance you had of Clem liking you Louis"! Alright, Vi, that's enough He gets it just calm down okay"! I was done talking to them anyway, so I decided to see if Tenn needed anything before I went to bed. "Hey, Tenn you need anything?" "I'm about to go to get some rest". "Yeah actually, could you see if you can find any art supplies I just used the last of mine on a drawing for Clem and AJ. "Sure I'll go check around for you bud, good night".

I make my way through the dorm halls and I remembered that there were some old art supplies in Sophie's old box in Clem's room I barge in still on autopilot, Clem Immediately notices me, "sorry I forgot you guys were set up in this room, uhh I just wanted to grab something from the closet." "Oh shit"! "What Vi, what's wrong"? "That's what I was looking for", I say pointing to box. "I'm sorry, is it yours?" Nah it belonged to Sophie... Uhh, Tenn's sister, he was looking for more art supplies and stuff so I was going to..." "I'm sorry we didn't know Vi, AJ you should probably give the box back it doesn't belong to us." AJ frowned and agreed, I wanted to try to make them both feel better, "you can finish your drawing though I don't mind. I slowly make my way over to beds sitting myself down on the edge, Clem sat across from me, just staring into my Soul with her beautiful eyes. I quickly tried thinking of anything all to talk about, worried I would give in to urge to kiss her. But I just ended up reminiscing about Sophie and Minnie. "I always liked this room Sophie had like paintings shit on the walls, there was lots of color and Minerva she had the most amazing Voice real bluesy, Marlon always joked about how he'd scavenge a guitar and how the two of them would tour the country". "Wow, Vi sounds they where good friends". "Yeah, Sophie was a good friend and Minnie... I tried working up the courage to tell my crush about my past lover but I couldn't do it, but Clem got the message. "You two were a couple then huh"? You don't care, I thought you might treat me differently if you found out that I liked girls. "Vi it's not a big deal, you can't help you love right? Besides I think love is beautiful no matter what". "Hey look, Clem, I'm an artist now"! Clem and I both give each other a smile as we head over to inspect AJ's drawing. "Not bad kiddo, Clem says waiting for Me to give my opinion, "it's really good AJ. Shit, I just hope Tenn doesn't get jealous of it". I helped Clem hang up the drawing and put AJ to bed. "I'd better get going I'm getting really tired, goodnight Clem". "Hey Vi you can sleep in here if you want, I mean if your really that tired". "Is this Clem's way of saying she had feelings for me too or is she just being nice"? I ask myself, but quickly I clear my thoughts and accept her offer, Clem climbs in bed first and faces herself away from me as I crawl in bed beside her. She quickly falls asleep and as I'm dozing off I feel her hand brush up against mine, I grab a hold and didn't want to let go. Lucky for me I didn't have too because Clem squeezed my hand back. A big smile crept across my face as I looked over at the girl beside me. I tried to contain my excitement. i wanted to yell yes through the entire room. good thing it came out as a whisper. There was no doubt I'd sleep well tonight.

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