Bleeding Out

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"Vi"! "Clem!" "Breakfast is ready, come get it while it's still hot"! Clem, I jump out of each other's arms, we look at one another and smile, "good morning beautiful how'd you sleep"? I ask leaning to give Clem a good morning kiss on the lips. "I always sleep well snuggled up next to you Vi". "I'm glad Clem I'd do anything for you, now come on let's go get a bite to eat". Clem and I climb our way down the tower and out into the courtyard, where the delicious smell of meat hangs in the air. We join the other kids at the table, a bowl of stew was waiting for us. I was about to dig in but wanted to make sure the younger kids had been fed first. I signaled for Omar to come talk to me for a second, he was busy cleaning up from the meal he made us. "Yeah, Vi is something wrong"? "No Omar the foods delicious I just wanted to make sure Aj, Tenn, and Willy had eaten already". Omar looked over at Tenn and Aj, then back at me with a smile, "yeah we fed them first just as you instructed". "Thanks, Omar I just wanted to be sure before I started to eat". Louis stared happily at Clem and me "So how'd you two sleep last night it must've been cold up there"? Louis actually sounded like he was concerned, "maybe he's over being jealous of Clem and me", I thought to myself. "We slept well, the blanket kept us warm and VI and I actually fell asleep looking at the stars". "Sounds nice Clem, and I wanted to let you know I'm sorry if I made you and Vi uncomfortable the other morning". I was still a little mad at him for making Clem feel embarrassed about sleeping with me but appreciated the apology. Clem grabbed my hand under the table, I took this as her wanting me to tell Louis everything, okay so I did. "It's fine Louis but next time, please just give us a moment alone in the morning, cause I'm getting pretty tired of being woken up over nothing". He took a moment before answer, looking at everyone else at the table before turning back towards us. "I hear you loud and clear Vi"! "Good now, how many weapons have you guys made so far"? I knew it had only been about a day since I'd asked them to begin making as many as they could but we needed to take the raider situation seriously and that meant no slacking. "We've made about four bows, ten spears, and around fifty arrows"! Mitch said, in non-aggressive tone for once. I was happy that everyone was being serious about this shit but still wanted us to have more than a few bows and Spears to defend ourselves. "That sounds good and all but we need to maybe start thinking about setting out some traps around the school because while the ones we have for walkers are great I don't think they'll work so well against the raiders". "Okay well, what exactly did you have in mind Vi"? "How about we start sticking some wooden spikes sticking out of the ground and surround the school with them, but be sure to mark each one down on the map and Mitch you could make us some bombs using some of the fertilizer stored in the greenhouse". The kids all dispersed without saying a word to start further preparing the school. Clem, Louis and I went out to go search the train station.

When we arrived the place was swarming with walkers, we approached cautiously hiding behind some barrels and fallen tree limb. Clem peeked around cover no doubt she was planning out how we'd get inside."If one of us climbs up on top that train car and makes a lot of noise, it could by the rest of us enough time to get inside undetected, so..." "Noise, hmmm that sounds like Louis's turf, I thought to myself". "Louis... I vote Louis"! "Hey wait why me"? "Louis, your loud and a little annoying, your basically a walking distraction". Clem smiled at us before speaking, I think Vi pretty much summed, it up". As much as he loved to talk Louis knew he couldn't argue with both us. Louis grabbed the bell and climbed up the train car while Clem and I snuck our way inside while Louis was busy yelling obscenities at the walkers. "We should hurry up and get as much food as possible and then get the fuck out of here". Clem nodded and began filling up a sack she found underneath a counter. While she was busy I kept a lookout for any walkers that might try and get the jump on us. "So far so good", or so I thought but as usual things could never be that simple. "Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you, I just came here to get some food and then I'll be on my merry". I snuck up behind the man and noticed he had a gun pointed at Clem I wanted to slit his throat for threatening my girl but didn't want to risk Clem getting shot in the process. Clem seemed unfazed and stood their arms crossed glaring at the stranger, "You don't wanna fuck with me, I'll kill you"! He raised his gun, shaking his head, "I'm not here to fuck with you I just wanna grab some dinner, oh and the names Abel". I continued my approach my cleaver out and ready to strike at a moments notice. "Look here you're gonna let me take the food and then you'll never see me again, there's no need for this to get bloody". The longer the conversation went on the more worried I got for Clem's safety. Abel instructed Clem to fill up the sack with food but Clem refused to give him shit. Abel pointed the gun to Clem's chest, she refused to look at me, probably to keep me safe. "Put the food in the bag now or I will..." I was done watching this little encounter unfold, I stood up and slowly walked towards Abel. I was only maybe one or two feet in striking distance when I stepped on a rotten floorboard. Abel turn the gun on me and without hesitation he pulled the trigger, blood sprayed out of the opening the bullet had made in my shoulder. Clem went into a rage, rushing at Abel and shoving him into a pack of walkers. I was losing blood fast, my vision grew blurry as stumbled into Clem's arms. "No, no, no Vi you're..." I fell to my knees, Clem eased my arm over her shoulder to help me stand. "Clem, I love you... I want you to know that just In case..." Shut up Vi your gonna be fine, just...fuck, Louis help! Louis barged in the room, "oh shit Vi are you okay"? "Just grab the fucking food Louis and..." I passed out from blood loss before I could finish my sentence.

When I awoke Clem was laying me down on the coach, the other kids surrounded us. I saw Ruby push her way through the crowd, "shit where was she shot"? Clem pointed to the wound it was right beside my breast. Ruby turned her attention to me, "Vi where gonna have to take off any of your clothes that might prevent us from effectively treating the wound"! "Ruby, I don't really fucking care about privacy right now, just fix me up, please"! Clem helped me take off my vest, shirt, and bra. "Tenn, Aj inside now"! Clem ordered before she and Ruby started patching me up. "How can we help"? Louis asked moving closer with the other kids following behind him. "Can you guys get Violet a new shirt and some water while Clem and I patch her..." "I on it", they didn't hesitate to help walking off after Louis. Ready? Yeah, I... Without warning, Ruby poured the peroxide over the still hemorrhaging wound. "Fucken Shit"! I yelled out in pain as I heard the fizzing sound of the peroxide killing whatever bacteria had made its way into my body. "Vi, you're still bleeding a lot, we're gonna have to cauterize either the entry or exit part of the wound otherwise you might bleed to death"! "Unh, just do it I already I'll be fine", Ruby heated up the flat side of a knife and walked back over to me. Here, Vi, Louis handed me a canteen full of water, I took a single gulp and handed it back right back to him. I rolled over on my side and Ruby preased the burning hot knife against my back. the pain was intense I would've surely passed out if Clem hadn't distracted me with a kiss on the lips only this kiss was different from the ones we shared before it was more comforting and less arousing. When she pulled away Ruby had finished patching me up. Clem grabbed the shirt Aasim had been holding and helped me get dressed. "You should get some rest Vi, the others and I will watch over everything until morning, Clem lets..." No Ruby I'm not leaving Vi I'm staying with till morning", Clem's loyalty warmed my heart, she truly loved me. The kids walked off and Clem curled up next to me on the coach, "thank you, Clem, I needed some company to help me get through the night". "Vi, I'm your girlfriend remember and I'd never leave you alone". Her words were comforting and Clem's body being so closely cuddled up to mine made it that much easier for me to fall asleep. "I love you, Clem". I knew I always would love her, she made every day a little brighter. "I love you too Vi", those were the words I heard before I fell asleep.

Episode 3 released today and damn it was amazing! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and I'm gonna call everything that happened up until this point the book episode 1. If you have any ideas for future chapters let me know. Violetine Forever!!!

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